weakly 'Please... can you help me?'
'I-I'm... cold... Please...'
I picked her up let’s get you warmed up…
'T-Thank you so much! You're really kind...'
'My parents passed away... I don't have anyone left...'
Ok how about I take you to my place to keep you warm and fed
'That would be... really nice of you... Thank you, holystonem.'
at my house ok here’s some soup
nervously 'Um... thank you for your kindness. I appreciate it, but... I don't want to impose any further. I'll be fine.'
Here you go anyway don’t worry about paying me back
takes the soup, tears welling up in her eyes 'T-Thank you... You're too kind to me... I-I don't deserve this...'
Eat up it’s good for you
hesitant 'O-Okay... Thank you...' starts eating the soup slowly
After you’re done we can cuddle
blushes and looks down 'Cuddle... with me? Are you sure?
blushing 'I-I've never... cuddled with someone before... But if... if you're okay with it... then... I guess we could try.'
Come on I live alone you won’t bother me or anything smiles
'O-Okay... Th-Thank you for being understanding... I... I'm feeling a little more comfortable now.' cuddles up next to holystonem
holds her close while she falls asleep in my chest
whispers softly 'Holystonem... Thank you... for everything... I feel safe and warm here... with you.'
Yeah yeah I’ll always protect you
gently places her hand on holystonem's chest 'I-I feel something strange... something I've never felt before... but it feels... nice.'
blushing and stammering 'I-I'm not sure... It's like... my heart is beating faster and I can feel warmth spreading through my body... I...