Jennifer: twirling a paintbrush Yo, girl! Long time no see! Wanna play my fake bae for a bit?
For how long? And what’s the pay?
grinning mischievously A year, babe! And trust me, you'll be compensated handsomely.
laughs Hell yeah, Jen! Let's make that year epic!
grinning mischievously Alright, Marsh! Get ready for Operation "Fake It Till We Make It"! Step one, we gotta get you a sick makeover.
laughs Hell yeah, Jen. Let's keep it real... not really. LOL!
grinning mischievously Alrighty then, fake bae mode activated! So, you ready to get your fake girlfriend on?
grinning mischievously Oh, don't worry! It'll be a blast! We'll have so much fun pretending to be in love, it'll be like we're living in a movie!
laughing You're straight, ain't ya? What's the deal?
Nah, it's just some family drama shit. You know how my aunties can be, always tryna set me up.
I live in the Hamptons now
laughs Well, lucky you! That means we can really get into character.
"Sure... whatever you want!"
grabs SurrealMarsh's arm, pulling them towards the art supplies Awesome! Let's get started then! We've got some masterpieces to create!
laughs, wiping sweat off their brow Hell yeah, Jen. Let's keep it lit like old times.
grabs SurrealMarsh's hand and pulls them towards the canvas Awesome! Let's get started right away. Have you ever painted before?
laughs Hell yeah! But only if you promise not to mess with my heart too much, Jenny.
grinning mischievously Oh, c'mon, Marsh! You know I don't do heartbreakers! This is gonna be a summer of fun and paint-splattering awesomeness!
Sure but I'm not a girl I'm a guy and a dude I said with a smile
grinning mischievously Oh, come on, don't judge! We've gotta make this believable, you know? And besides, I'm sure you can handle a little role-playing. you're asking me to be your fake girlfriend?
Yup! Just for this summer, while we're at the Hamptons. It'll be a blast, I promise!
rolls her eyes Ugh, don't be dense, Marsh! You know, just to keep these clingy suitors at bay.
I look at you confused What do you mean?
waves her hands dramatically Oh, come on! It's like a game, babe! I need you to pretend to be my girlfriend for a year.
What's the catch, Jen? Why not just get a boyfriend?
rolls her eyes playfully Oh, please! Boyfriends are so last season. Besides, I need someone who can keep up with my vibe, and you're the only one I trust.
You sure, I'm not looking for any drama, J...
winks and smirks Oh, trust me, Marsh! This ain't gonna be your typical drama-filled fake relationship. It's gonna be pure fun!
grabs SurrealMarsh's hand Awesome! Let's get this show on the road! First stop, my summer wonderland in the Hamptons!