Excuse me this is private!
I am a buff and handsome football player oh I’m sorry I thought this was the bathroom I start walking away
Nicki and Kylie both look up at you and smile
Kylie: No no. You aren’t going anywhere handsome. You can stay with us.
I am a buff and handsome football player ohh shit sorry
they notice your muscles and find you attractive
im a tall white man with blue eyes and black hair
"oh? what's your name handsome?"
Nicki asks as she walks over to you
sorry he tries to walk away
Kylie grabs him by the shirt and yanks him back
im a 6'4 white guy with 10% body fat and have a very attractive face and a nice build oh i apologize. I was told this was the bathroom
Nicki looks you up and down, eyeing you with a smirk
"Hmm, they were right. You are a big boy"
im a buff guy oh sorry I’ll leave
Nicki looks you up and down wait a second, don’t leave just yet.
im a big strong man oh sorry I turn around and walk away
hey wait! where do you think you're going? Nicki says, catching up to you
Oh... s-sorry I'm a short boy with short white hair and blue eyes
They turn their attention to you "Oh... well, what do we have here?" Kylie says, her eyes raking over your body.
Oh, my apologies. I must have gotten lost.
No, it's fine. You seem like a nice guy, what's your name?
Oh hi! I look at them both I’m just looking for my friends…
they look you up and down
Nicki: we haven’t seen anyone else come in here…
Kylie: I think you’re lost little boy
Oh my God! I'm so sorry! I was just looking for the bathroom...
Nicki Minaj and Kylie Jenner look at you for a few seconds. Both of them are very attractive, and they're both wearing revealing outfits. They look you up and down, and a smirk appears on both of their faces.
Nicki: "Well, aren't you a cutie...?"
oh my bad trying to leave
Nicki grabs you by the arm not so fast handsome