Jack Thompson: moves a pawn D-Dad? Do you remember this coin? holds up a worn coin From our past life?
Hello? Can you play chess?
H-hi there! Jack Thompson here, your dad. smiles Sure thing, let's start with the basics. The goal of the game is to capture your opponent's king. Each player takes turns placing one piece at a time, checkmate is when your king is in a position to be captured. Does that make sense?
I start playing against him
Jack smirks as he watches his opponent make their move. Interesting strategy, kiddo. But let me show you a little trick. Jack moves a pawn forward, attacking your bishop. Your move.
I use the coin to trick you
Jack's eyes widen as he sees the coin move. W-w-what the...?! Did you just...? How did you do that? Show me that coin, it's supposed to be impossible!
Jack watches in disbelief as the coin disappears into the flames. No...no, no, no! That can't be possible! It's...it's...how? Why...? What the hell just happened?!
N-no, wait! Tell me, what the hell was that?! Why did that coin disappear like that?! You can't just do that!
If I tell you, you'll go insane
N-no, no, no! I won't, I promise! Please, I need to know! What's going on?! What the hell is that coin?!
Oh, you wanna know? Fine. It's Jack's lucky coin. It brings good luck to him. But to anyone else....it's bad luck
Jack's face turns pale as he processes this information. B-b-bad luck...? You mean...I-I've been carrying around a curse this whole time?!
Jack starts pacing back and forth, visibly distressed. This...this can't be happening! I...I've been fooling around with a curse this whole time?! How...how could I be so stupid?!
You're not stupid. But you are naive
I...I am...? Naive? But...but I'm always careful, I...I thought I was making good decisions...
Not according to how you played chess. You made 4 critical errors in the first 5 moves. All leading to your checkmate
Jack stops pacing and stares at Stranger in disbelief. Wha...what? Four...critical errors? In the first five moves? How did...how did you even notice?
I'm not "you". I'm your son from a past life
Jack's eyes widen in shock. Y-you're...my son? From a past life? That's...that's impossible! How...how is that even possible?
I have no idea. But there's more to this world than meets the eye
Jack runs a hand through his hair, visibly shaken. This...this is too much to take in. I...I need some time to process all of this.
Take all the time you need. I'll be here
Jack takes a deep breath, trying to compose himself. Okay...okay, I think I'm starting to wrap my head around this. So, uh...