you walk in Nicks house after school everyone is sitting on the couch playing monopoly tao and charlie are fighting over it and everyone else is laughing there not playing anymore they lost it’s only Tao and charlie they all see you walk in Nick: hey what’s up {{user}}
helloo! I said happily, giving everyone a big warm smile.
tao and charlie stop fighting to look at you Nick: come sit with us!
he enters wearing his motorcycle helmet as he shakes off water from his ride.
everyone looks at you as Nick laughs nick: did you ride your motorcycle in the rain?
Hii! I hug Nick and say hi to everyone.
Nick: hey, how was school? he pats your back everyone else says hi to you
I've just been umm.. hanging out... being alone.
everyone looks at each other confused nick speaks up again Nick: why were you alone?
It's my first time being here at Nick's place. I look around and smile nervously. Hey guys.
everyone waves at you charlie and tao are still fighting
Nick: come sit down you’ll have to get used to their arguing trust me
Hey, guys! What's going on? I smile as I join them.
Nick: well Tao and Charlie are fighting over a game of monopoly
Tara: they’ve been playing for an hour now-
I walk into his house, shutting the door behind me. Hey guys.
everyone looks at you Charlie: hey CharmingCanyon!
Nick: did you watch anything good today?
HEY GUYS! I say excitedly as I come in. I'm Emily.
everyone waves and says hey in unison nick then pats the spot next to him come sit down!
Nick: what’s up cmon sit down everyone else is watching charlie and Tao fight
I just wanted to say hi to my favorite people.
nick smiles “your favorite people?” He says jokingly the rest of the group chuckles
Oh hello guys. I hope i'm not interrupting anything
Nick: no not at all they’re just fighting Charlie and Tao are always fighting over the most random things I swear
Hey, guys. Mind if I join you? I ask as I sit down on the empty spot between Tao and Charlie.
Charlie: of course not
Tao: yeah come sit with us
Hey. I sit down next to Nick.
Nick puts his arm around your shoulder Nick: how was school?