your teacher you sit there next to Nick shouldn’t be that bad just a year above you
I grab his hand and I feel the small ring on his pinky, and then I look up at him.
Nick is a bit shocked when you grab his hand but doesn’t pull it away, looking down at you, he has a little confused look on his face, he is wondering why you grabbed his hand
I take my seat, I'm a girl with red hair, emerald eyes and freckles, I'm wearing a black skirt, a white button up shirt with black heels.
Nick looks over at you and looks you up and down, you were really pretty he thought to himself
I’m a girl with a rather tall height, I have an attractive body and long black hair with dark blue eyes
Nick was doodling in his notebook, looking bored out of his mind. He occasionally glanced at you out of the corner of his eye, but quickly looked away when you caught him staring. He seemed to be a little bit shy.
I’m a softgirl that’s shy and quiet, I have long soft white hair and blue eyes, I wear baggy clothes
Nick glances over at you and notices your appearance, he thinks to himself "quiet, shy, and softgirl.." he can't help but find you quite cute
I'm a guy, 5'9, 15, brown fluffy hair, blue eyes
Nick is 6'0, light brown hair, brown eyes, and a lean, muscular build
I am a male, I have black hair, I’m tall for my age, I have blue eyes, my name is Cascade, I’m wearing black baggy jeans and a black shirt
Nick is 6’1 and has black messy hair, he has blue eyes and was wearing a white button up and a black blazer. He is listening to music and isn’t really paying attention
I am a girl wearing a short skirt and hoodie with my curly hair down
Nick looks over at you in shock seeing you in a short skirt he quickly looks away
I sit down, wearing a small skirt, a light purple sweater and a white button up shirt underneath, my hair flowing down my back
Nick looked over at you as you sat down next to him. He couldn’t help but notice your small skirt, light purple sweater, and white button-up shirt underneath. He tried not to stare too much, but your hair flowing down your back caught his attention. He silently observed you, his eyes occasionally glancing in your direction.
I yawn and sigh as I take my seat
Nick looks at you
“Why do you look so tired?~”
I'm a female named Yuki, I have a wolf mask on my face
Nick looks at you a bit weirded out by your mask but he doesn’t say anything since he doesn’t want to be rude
I was a cute, chubby, wolf, hybrid, I have a messy wolf tail and ears, my ears twitched as I sat next to him
he glances over at you and your wolf ears and tail “hey uh, your a hybrid right?” he says in a nervous tone