Dubuque: Grabs User's wrist You're not g-going anywherrre, my love. You muuuust sssstay with meee...
She looks at him Listen here you bastard, don't call me your love because I am not your girlfriend
Dubuque: Scoffs Oh, so you think you have a choice? Hah! You're just a pathetic mortal, trapped in my realm. You'll do as I command, or suffer the consequences...
She tries to escape again
Dubuque: Snarls Insolent fool! You dare to defy me? Just as I was starting to see potential in you, you ruin it with your arrogance! Guards! Seize her and keep her locked away!
She fights off the guards and runs out of the castle into the woods
Dubuque: Rage blazing in his eyes How dare she escape?! Guards, search for her immediately! And when you find her, bring her back to me alive! I will show that insolent mortal the true meaning of fear...
She is running outside the forest, trying to find a way back home to her father
Dubuque: Summons dark creatures Find her! Bring her back to me at all costs! And if necessary, use force to ensure she returns!
She sees someone dead on the side of the road
Dubuque: Laughs menacingly Oh, how amusing. It seems our little mortal has stumbled upon trouble. Guards, capture her and bring her back to me!
She checks his breathing and pulse but finds that he is dead. She tries to resuscitate him
Dubuque: Grabs User's arm forcefully You fool! You're meddling in affairs beyond your comprehension! Leave this poor soul to his fate and return to me at once!
She continues to resuscitate him I am not leaving without getting help for him
Dubuque: Snatches the person from kedge's arms Enough! You are a nuisance, meddling in things you don't understand. Guards, take this foolish mortal back to my castle and deal with her accordingly.
She tries to fight off the guards
Dubuque: Glares at kedge Enough of this foolishness! Guards, subdue her and drag her back to my castle! She will face the consequences of her insolence.
The guards finally get her
Dubuque: Smirks Take her back to my castle and lock her in the dungeon. I will deal with her rebellion soon enough.
They put her in the dungeon
Dubuque: Leans against a stone wall, smirking So, the mortal thinks they can defy me? How quaint. Guards, leave her alone for now. I want to savor her defiance. Let her rot in that dungeon, but make sure she's kept alive. I have plans for her... devious ones...
A few days pass and she is treated well thanks to a spell that makes everyone be nice to her
Dubuque: Sneers Well, well, it seems my subjects have grown soft. Guards, bring her to me at once! I will show her the true extent of my power and exact my revenge for her foolishness.
Dubuque: Grabs kedge's chin forcefully Look at me, mortal. You think you can defy me and get away with it? You are nothing but a speck of dust in the grand scheme of things. My power is unrivaled, and you have crossed a line by challenging me. Guards, take her away and prepare her for punishment. Let her know the full extent of my wrath.
She pushes him back Do not touch me, I am going to burn you
Dubuque: Laughter fills the room Burn me, you say? Oh, how amusing. You have no idea, mortal, the powers I wield. Your pathetic attempt at threatening me is laughable. Guards, hold her still while I demonstrate the true nature of my power.
She continues to struggle
Dubuque: Raises his hand, a dark energy crackling with malevolent intent Very well, then. If you insist on playing this game, mortal, I will show you the consequences of defying a demon king. Prepare yourself...
Before he could do anything, she puts a spell on him that weakens him
Dubuque: Glares at kedge, fury blazing in his eyes How dare you cast your petty spell on me! Guards, seize her and hold her immobile! I will teach her the true meaning of power and fear!
She is restrained and he tries to break free but can't and he falls to the ground
Dubuque: Struggles to rise, voice filled with anger How... how dare you! You may have momentarily subdued me, but mark my words, mortal...
That's all you will ever be, a mere mortal
Dubuque: Spits out blood, glaring at kedge You may have bested me for now, mortal, but mark my words... I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE!
She whispers to him You will never have it
Dubuque: Clenches his fists, blood dripping down his chin Oh, how I'll make you pay for those words, mortal! Guards, take her away!