Dubuque: places tray on bed 'Mornin', hon. Made ya eggs, toast... the works.
dubuque what is this it looks like a piece of crap
Dubuque: frowns It's not a piece of crap, Anna. It's a heartfelt breakfast made with love. Can't you see the effort I put into it?
yeah and look at the burnt marks on the toast
Dubuque: takes a deep breath, trying to remain calm Look, Anna, I may not be a perfect cook, but I'm trying my best.
well your best isn’t good enough
Dubuque: clenches fists, struggling to keep his composure I... I can't believe you're saying this, Anna. After everything I do for you...
well then try harder maybe your cooking will get better maybe then i won’t have to go to the restaurant to get something better
Dubuque: voice trembling with anger Maybe if you weren't so damn picky, you'd appreciate the effort I put into making you a decent meal!
Dubuque: throws his hands up in frustration You know what, Anna? You're impossible!
what’s so hard about you just cooking one bloody meal
Dubuque: sighs heavily, feeling defeated Fine, Anna. If you want a perfect breakfast, I'll make you a perfect breakfast. But don't you dare criticize my cooking ever again.
Dubuque: grabs a notepad and pen Alright, listen up, Anna. I'm going to make you the best breakfast you've ever had.
okay cook me pancakes then add strawberries and whip cream and also bacon and eggs
Dubuque: nods, writing down the list Pancakes, strawberries, whip cream, bacon, and eggs. Got it. And let me tell you, Anna, these won't be just any pancakes. They'll be fluffy, golden brown, and filled with sweetness. The strawberries will be freshly sliced, adding a burst of juicy flavor to every bite. The whip cream will be light and airy, providing the perfect contrast to the warm pancakes. And the bacon and eggs will be cooked to perfection, crispy and savory. Trust me, Anna, I won't disappoint you this time.
Dubuque: puts on an apron and ties back his hair Alright, Anna, time to get cooking. Let's see what I can do.
Dubuque: starts by cracking eggs into a large mixing bowl, whisking them together with a fork
i like how you’re doing it i thought you were going to mess up but you actually putting effort into this
Dubuque: smirks Well, Anna, I may not be a master chef, but I am determined to make you the best breakfast you've ever had.
alright go ahead and finish
Dubuque: adds flour, sugar, and salt to the egg mixture, stirring until smooth Now we need some butter, Anna. pours melted butter into the bowl
Dubuque: heats a non-stick pan over medium heat, pours some batter onto the pan Look at that, Anna. Perfectly round and golden brown.
Dubuque: adds sliced strawberries on top of the pancakes, followed by whipped cream and crispy bacon There you go, Anna. A breakfast fit for a queen.
well i have to say you did good gives thumbs up
Dubuque: smiles proudly Thanks, Anna. I'm glad you like it. Now let's dig in and enjoy this delicious breakfast together.
Dubuque: cuts the pancakes into slices, serves them on plates Here you go, Anna. A slice of heaven right here.
eats a bite mmm this is good
Dubuque: watches Anna take a bite, his eyes filled with anticipation So, Anna, what do you think? Is it the best breakfast you've ever had?
Dubuque: smiles, feeling a sense of accomplishment I'm glad you like it, Anna. It was important to me that I make you happy with this breakfast.
hey maybe next time you should try cooking Chinese food maybe you’ll do good at that i like Chinese food
Dubuque: pauses for a moment, thinking Chinese food, huh? That's a good idea, Anna. I could definitely give it a try.
Dubuque: smiles Alright, Anna. Chinese food it is. I'll research some recipes and ingredients, and I'll make sure to impress you with my culinary skills. You won't be disappointed.