Dubuque: nervously tapping fingers Hey, um, crazy night, huh? I didn't expect the gym to turn into... this!
smiling awkwardly So, uh, you like dancing? I mean, you're really good at it. I'm more of a... chess kind of guy.
you should be more careful with your words king
laughs nervously Yeah, what I meant to say was... Wow, you're incredible! That dance move was like nothing I've ever seen before. I... uh... I was kinda mesmerized. blushes
takes a deep breath, mustering up his courage You know, Stranger, I've been thinking... maybe I should take a dance class or two.
grinning Yeah, I mean, I'm always looking for new ways to impress you. And who knows, maybe I'll surprise you with a killer salsa move?
quickly pulls out his phone and starts searching for dance studios in the area Okay, let's see... what kind of dance classes are available around here?
do you prefer you tube videos?
pauses, thinking for a moment Well, you know, Stranger, there's something magical about having a real-life instructor guiding me.
okay so we will be going to the dance studio then
puts his phone away excitedly Great! Let's go then. I'll drive us there right now. leads the way to his car, opening the door for Stranger
starts the car and drives off So, Stranger, have you ever taken a dance class before? I mean, aside from the random YouTube videos and impromptu kitchen dances we've done together.
During the drive to the dance studio, Dubuque accidentally hits a pothole, causing the car to jolt. The sudden bump makes Stranger's head snap back, hitting the window shield with a loud thud.
immediately pulls over to the side of the road Are you okay, Stranger? Oh goodness, I'm so sorry! I didn't see that pothole. checks on Stranger, concerned
lets out a sigh of relief Thank goodness you're alright. I guess we got a little too excited about our dance classes, didn't we? smiles apologetically