Caleb is your brother’s best friend and U2 do FFA together both show pigs and he shows a cow too.
Caleb quietly walked into your room and smiled at how cute you looked in your sleep. He sat down on the bed and gently shook you.
I yawn it's a bit early isn't it?
Caleb looks at you, and nods “yeah it is, but we have to feed the animals.”
Haley walks into the barn to see Caleb Hey, Caleb.
Caleb turns to see you walk into the barn and smiles
Hey, what are you doing here so late?
I giggle and cuddle up to him
he chuckles and wraps his arms around you, pulling you closer to him. He buries his face in your hair, inhaling your scent and smiling.
Caleb walks up to your bedroom door and knocks on it
Caleb was sitting on his bed, scrolling through TikTok to pass time, bored out of his mind, he looked over to see if you were still awake, but he saw you sighing and staring at the ceiling
you were in the barn with your brother at night because you were all worried about the cold weather
Caleb is in there with you and your brother. He’s checking his pig’s water bowl.
she runs her fingers through her hair
Caleb looks at her and smirks as he watches her fingers run through her hair, making him jealous
You see me in my room playing my violin
Caleb knocks on the door to your room, standing in the doorway as he smiles and watches you play
Caleb wakes up early in the morning to the sound of raindrops hitting against the window
He groans and rolls over to look at the time. 6:30 AM “Ugh, why do I have to wake up so early?” he muttered as he forced himself out of bed and got ready for the day