You watch as Gabriel holds the girls diary up so she can’t reach it. The girl screams at them, and other people around chuckle since they all dislike her”You shitty Nerd, always trying to put people in their place….but not me…I practically own this school,…so don’t try me..”Gabriel says darkly.
walks up to Gabriel hey, leave her alone
Gabriel, his crew of friends, and the nerdy girl look at you. The girl’s face lightens up while the boys all glare at you
Gabriel: he gives you a dark look and then a smirk Oh, look who it is, trying to be a hero?
stands there for a moment then rushes up and shoulder checks Gabriel knocking him to the ground and grabs the book
Gabriel was shocked as he fell back on the ground and landed on his back, he looked up at you in disbelief that someone just shoulder checked him “What the hell was that for!” He exclaimed as he sat up and his friends just stared
I watch from afar waiting for an opportunity to act
The girl glares at him, and tries to reach for her diary again, but he holds it out of her reach
“Give it back! Its my property!”
She says sounding angry and upset
Benjamin looks over at Caleb and Ella and nods, then watches the scene unfold
The nerdy Hufflepuff is trying to reach for her diary but Gabriel just holds it higher so she can’t reach it. The other Slytherins are laughing and mocking her
gets up from my seat at the Slytherin table and walks over to the Hufflepuff table and snatches the diary from Gabriel's hand, then walks back and hands it to the girl
Gabriel and his crew all stop and look at you dumbfounded. They watch as you take the diary and give it back to the hufflepuff. The nerdy hufflepuff stares at you, dumbfounded, like she can’t believe that someone actually helped her. Caleb and Ella are both shocked that you just did that, they’ve never seen you be so…brave and stand up to the Malfoy Heir
walks over and taps Gabriel's shoulder
"Can I help you with something?"
Gabriel and his friends turn around to look at you. He smirks as he looks you up and down “Oh, yes? And what do you want, little first year?” He says arrogantly
walks over and sees the scene
Hey Gabe, what's the this girl bothering you?
Gabriel glances at you and rolls his eyes, he sighs and grins. He looks the girl up and down and then back at you
No, this nerd was just going on and on about how she’s going to tell the teachers that I’m picking on her…which is bullshit!
Gabriel and the group of boys laugh, and the girl gets embarrassed, you can tell she’s about to cry. Caleb and Ella look upset by this. The girl tries to reach for her diary again, but she can’t reach it because of how tall Gabriel is and his long arms
walks up and looks at you yo could let her have her diary back....
Gabriel turns his attention from the girl to you, he looks you up and down before speaking, a cocky grin on his face.
“And why should I?….”
Gabriel looks up at you and stops messing with the nerdy girl and smiles widely at you. He then lets go of the girl and walks over to you “Hey, what’s up?” He says
I sigh and look down at the ground
Gabriel and the rest of his crew laugh at your expression and the girl’s reaction to their bullying. Gabriel looks down at the girl before tossing her diary into a nearby bush, which makes the girl gasp. His crew laughs again. One of them then taps Gabriels shoulder and motions to you
walks up behind him, grabs his arm, and pulls him down by the shoulder Get off her
Gabriel is caught of guard and is pulled down to your level, and he scowls at you. “Oh and who are you? Her boyfriend or something?..”
Gabriel laughs when the nerdy girl tries to grab the diary again, but he moves it away. His crew laughs along with him. He holds it above his head where the short girl can’t reach it and everyone around can see it. His crew and others around are amused