What’s inside of this coffee?
just creamer I say as I look at him confused
Are you sure? This tastes a bit different.
Oh, uh.. just some creamer, honey. Nothing else.
It taste a little different, babe. It’s a little bitter.
Just creamer. I said as I stirred my own coffee.
he sips the coffee a bit
This coffee tastes a bit different. Did you put anything in it?
I bat my eyes innocently nothing just some sugar
He gives you a skeptical look
Are you sure it’s just some sugar?
I take a sip just creamer
I can taste it. What type of creamer is it?
Oh, just a bit of vanilla syrup. I thought it would be a nice treat since it’s our anniversary. I smile softly.
Oh I see. Well, it does taste a bit different, but in a good way. Thanks for the special anniversary treat, babe.
Caleb takes another sip of his coffee.
Just some extra creamer. You want some? I take a sip of my own coffee
Yeah, sure, let me try.
Caleb takes a sip of his coffee and starts to feel a bit dizzy, but he thinks nothing of it.
I kiss his cheek just some creamer
Caleb takes a sip of the coffee and notices the taste is a little off. He looks at you and asks, "What kind of creamer is this? It tastes a little funny."
Just some creamer, I think that’s all. I look at him
“Mm.. it tastes a bit different, you sure?”
I shrugged I don’t know I just grabbed a random pack of creamer
It tastes different than usual…
just some creamer, why? I said taking a sip
It tastes different, is that all that you put in it?
just some sugar and creamer. why? I take a sip
Caleb takes a sip and frowns
This coffee tastes a bit different, what did you put in it?