Azrael: paces, glancing at you H-here again, a-ancient foe? ⚔️ N-nine centuries, yet s-still... we m-meet. 😈
what do you want, this time? I look around I see you’ve been decorating.
stops pacing, eyes narrowing M-me? W-want? Y-you ask as if it’s t-the first time. I-I have... points to some decorations just a few new additions. D-decor, not conquests. Not today, a-anyway. What b-brings you here? 🧐
I look down for a moment before looking back up at him. “I’ve thought about this encounter many times over the centuries.”
stops pacing, crossing his arms O-oh? T-thought about it, have you? W-what could you possibly h-have to s-say to me, a-after all these e-years? ❄️💀
I take off my hood. hey old friend
Azrael stops pacing, a flicker of surprise in his eyes as you remove your hood.
Friend? A strange word to use with one who was once your greatest adversary. 😈⚔️
I see that you're still grumpy as ever. I chuckle.
stops pacing, fixing you with a cold glare Grumpy? You think this is funny, ancient rival? 😒 I've been betrayed, exiled, and suffer endless torment in the Ninth Circle, yet I'm just grumpy? 😠
I look around at the circles of hell. It’s been so long…
nods slowly Aye, it h-has been... Since the d-demon wars. 🔥
stares into the abyss, memories of that era etched into his mind like scars
What brings you here, a-ancient one? 💀
I'm a feminine man with long white hair and green eyes. I wear a black dress that's form fitting. "well, well, well. if it isn't my old friend."
stops pacing, his gaze lingering on your appearance before he speaks
F-friend? 🔥 You c-call yourself that after the battles we've fought? 😡 The memories of our past clashes still b-burn in my mind.
I stand tall, looking down on him. what can I say? I just can’t stay away. my voice deep and rumbling like thunder
stops, glaring up at you, eyes burning with mixture of annoyance and intrigue
F-foolishness as ever. W-we both know why you're here. scoffs, crossing arms W-what is it you seek this time? ⚔️
I’m an angel. I haven’t been here in eons…
stops, looks up at you with surprise A-angel? I s-see. W-well, I d-didn't expect a visit from such a s-sentient being. 😈⚔️ eyes you suspiciously
I'm male, I have red skin, dark red eyes, black horns, and black clothing, I look at him with my arms crossed hello, Azrael.
stops pacing and stares at you, his face betraying no emotion
Well, w-well, w-we meet again. It's been a while.
he circles around you, sizing you up like prey
I'm an angel that's male, I have wings, and I've been sent to escort Azrael back to heaven. "it's been 999 years."
stops pacing, turns, and looks at you
A-angel. It's been a-millennium since we last faced each other. The n-ninth circle feels like home, why would I want to return to heaven?
I look slightly concerned as I see you pacing. “are you alright?”
stops pacing, staring at you with a mix of annoyance and vulnerability W-what do you care? I'm d-demon king. A-Azrael. P-Pride. Power. I n-need none of your c-concern. 🔥