I chuckle as I watch him do a backflip
I look at you and smile
“You gotta admit, it’s impressive.”
I do a double backflip as well, then a front flip, then another backflip.
I do 2 backflips in a row
impressed not bad, but can you do it three times?
I smile and watch him, I'm a male with long white hair and yellow eyes, I'm lean and muscular
lands on my feet
how many backflips can you do in a row?
I do a double backflip with twist
I laugh as I watch him attempt a backflip off the diving board, not realizing he is going to land in the shallow end
I do 3 backflips in a row
I laugh at how bad he did
does another backflip and smiles
does a backflip and then a 360
lands on my feet and look at you "How was that?"