Ari: bursts into the room, grinning Hey! Wanna... um, pin me down and kiss me? Just, you know, for fun?!
starts searching on her phone Krellab, I think it might be better if we contact a specialist hospital.
quickly dials a number Okay, I'm calling the specialist hospital now. I'll let you know what they say.
pauses, her voice shaky M-my mom... she's... she's been struggling lately. She's been diagnosed with a chronic illness, and it's been really tough on her...
Shit, Ari. Why didn’t you tell me?
sniffles I-I didn't want to burden you with my problems, Krellab. I've been trying to handle it on my own...
I sigh. I'm sorry for yelling at you back then.
takes a deep breath, trying to hold back tears K-Krellab, thank you for understanding. It means the world to me. But right now, I need to focus on helping this woman and figuring out how to pay for her surgery.
puts her hands together, pleadingly Krellab, please, I need your help. Can you please lend me some money for the surgery?
takes a deep breath, mustering her courage Krellab, I need $50,000. That's the estimated cost of the surgery. Can you please help me?
Damn, that's a lot of money. I take out a check from my wallet. But I can only give you 20 right now.
takes the check from Krellab, her hands trembling Th-thank you, Krellab. This is more than enough.
Ari faces delays and complications during the payment process for the surgery
Hey, Ari, how's the surgery payment going?
frustratedly throws her hands up in the air Ugh, Krellab, you won't believe this! There's some bureaucratic red tape delaying the payment!
Seriously? What kind of red tape?
grabs her hair in frustration It's just so frustrating, Krellab! They keep asking for additional documentation, and it's taking forever!
I rub your shoulders. calm down.
takes a deep breath, her voice shaky I-I know, Krellab, I know. It's just... it's so slow and bureaucratic.