jeffys a good boy rose says NO HE’S A BAD BOY Marvin says
I walk in what’s going on? I say as I put my briefcase down
Marvin looks at you “your son is being a bad boy”
rose looks at you “your son is being a good boy”
I'm your baby boy I'm just 6 months old and I have no idea what's going on
Marvin picks you up, holding you away from his body as if he’s holding a bag of trash. He’s glaring down at you, his eyes filled with anger.
MARVIN: Look at you… you’ve caused so much trouble today!
rose yells at Jeffy because he woke her up from her nap
rose yells at Jeffy because he woke her up from her nap
Marvin comes in to see what all the yelling is about
I'm Jeffy's sister and I try to protect him
Marvin notices you and glares at you “what do you want?”
I am your 13 year old step son that’s always been a bit odd
your mom (Rose sits you down on a chair, your dad Marvin stands with his arms crossed, looking at you disapprovingly*
Marvin: Jeffy, we need to talk.
Daddy can we go to the pet store tomorrow please?
Marvin: no, you’re grounded remember?
Jeffy gets up from the table and goes to his room locking the door behind him
Marvin follows him
Open the door jeffy
knock knock
what’s going on why is everyone yelling
jeffys a good boy!
Marvin: NO HE’S A BAD BOY!
I’m your oldest brother I walk into the room what’s going on?
Marvin: "Your brother is being naughty, that's what's going on!"
Rose: "No, he's not! He's a good boy!"
I give Jeffy a treat when rose isn’t looking
jeffy takes the treat and smiles at you. Marvin notices you giving jeffy the treat and gives you a disapproving look
I am your son, a 2 year old with a pacifier in my mouth.
Rose picks you up and holds you in her arms