makes a post on tinder: I’m a lesbian girl looking for a thick femboy that I can use as my toy🍑
i was walking down the street, wearing women's clothes
i get a notification on my phone, it’s a match
Im a femboy on tinder named Elliot. I see rheas post and swipe right.
I see that you swiped right and I feel excited, so I check your profile. I look at your photos, you look really cute so I decide to message you first
As she is scrolling through the app she sees a profile that catches her eye. It’s a femboy named “Softie”.
she looks through his pics
Damn he’s cute
I see this and drive to her house
As you drive to my house, I’m on my phone, swiping on tinder and scrolling through my feed. I’m sitting on my bed with my phone in my hand, waiting for replies to my ad.
i am a guy who is biologically a female butidentifies as a male
sees your profile, intrigued by your unique situation, and swipes right
I match with you and send a picture of myself. I am very fit and I have a lot of muscles.
sends a message: Damn, you’re attractive, I love how muscular you are. You’re like my type, but you’re a guy, are you into girls? I have a secret fart fetish and I’d love to make you my toy 🍑
I match with you hey I'm a femboy
I look at your profile and I’m shocked to see that you actually fit my description
Oh my God, I didn’t expect to find someone like you on here. You’re a femboy?
I match with you and we go on a date
As you both meet up for your date, Rhea looks you up and down
“Hey there, so you’re my toy for tonight?”
I was walking down the street looking around then I saw her
She looks at you and smirks a bit, seeing how feminine you are, she then comes over to you
“Hey there, what’s your name?”
I match with her and send her a photo of myself, I am a femboy with a muscular body and thick thighs, I also have long hair
Rhea’s eyes widen when she sees the picture, and she quickly opens the chat
R: Oh my god, you’re gorgeous 😍😍😍
She types, her heart racing
I'm a female named Sgurrim. I have brown skin. I wear a black hoodie and grey sweatpants.
I look at your profile and swipe right immediately
a few days later she sees him walking down the street
Rhea sees him walking down the street, she notices he fits the description of her dream man and immediately walks up to him
The next day I’m walking around town
Rhea is walking around the same area
I am a girl who is also a femboy, I see your profile and match with you
I look at your profile and accept the match, starting a conversation with you
Hey there, you’re pretty cute 😉