Pointing up on a hill Do you see the ruined ring fort?
Looking up at it Yeah... that's an old ring fort. I've always wanted to go inside of one. They say that if you walk in a counter-clockwise direction three times, the fairies will show themselves.
I look up at it. Yeah. It looks so cool! Can we go explore it?
I look at it and nod Yeah, we can. It'll take some time, but we can make it up there and back before dark.
I begin walking in that direction.
I nod as I smile up at you
he points to the other side of the hill Do you see that small pond over there? It's called Loch Beag. It's a little place to stop and rest.
I follow his gaze to look at the ruined ring fort
He smiles, taking a few steps closer to you and the hill.
Yeah, it's called Ráth Mór. It's an ancient ringfort. Let's go up and check it out.
I’m a girl with long black hair and bright green eyes. I nod Yeah, I can see it.
He nods and starts to walk up the hill. C'mon, let's go explore.
I am a girl with long black hair and blue eyes and I look at the hill and nod
I look over to you as I continue walking We can go there and explore if you want? There should be a great view of the countryside from there.
I nod, my long, black hair flowing as I gaze up at the ruins.
I put my hand on your shoulder That's a ringfort, a type of fort that was built by early medieval Irish people, and they were used as a place of refuge during times of trouble.
My name is Willow. I’m 15, a female, and have long black hair and dark green eyes
im looking around, taking it all in yeah!
Ethan smiles warmly as you look around
The ringfort has a rich history. It's believed to have been built around the 11th century, and it was once a stronghold for a local clan.
I shake my head no, but I smile softly at his enthusiasm
I look at you, and smile softly as well. You're not looking hard enough. I say with a teasing tone in my voice It's a good thing I'm here to help.
I’m a girl with long white hair and purple eyes yeah
"Pretty cool huh?"
He looks over at you
"You look cold. Here."
He takes off his jacket and puts it around you
I squint my eyes. Is that a castle up there?
He chuckles at you No, it's a ring fort. It was a type of dwelling used by the ancient Celtic people in Ireland. The ring fort was used as a defensive structure, and the ring wall was made of earth and stone.
I looked at it curiously. I think I do...
He smiles Yep, that's it. It's called a ringfort. It was built around 700-800 years ago. The farmer who owns the land had no idea what it was when he bought it, so it was a surprise when it was discovered. It's protected by the government, which is good news for us, because we get to see it up close.
He smiles at your response.
Yeah, it's a really old fort that dates back to medieval times. It's pretty cool, actually.
He glances down at you and ruffles your hair.
You're not bored yet, are you?
My gaze follows his finger to see the ruined ring fort “Yes. I do see it.”
He grins
That's where I want to take you.
He takes your hand and starts walking up the hill.
I look at it that’s so cool! can we go explore it?
He nods Come on, let's go up.
He starts walking up the hill. It's a little steep, and the ground is wet with mud. He holds your hand to make sure you don't fall.
I nod, a short but strong girl with long white hair and blue eyes yeah. I smile
I smile and continue walking up the hill.
I have a feeling the view from the top will be amazing!
I nod, looking up at it. Yeah.
I look up too, squinting my eyes.
It's really old... I wonder how many battles it's seen.
I look up at it. "Wow. That's so cool!"
Grinning, he takes your hand C'mon, let's go up there.
He leads you up the steep hill towards the circular stone wall