Sugawara: panting Alright, team, let's switch gears and spike harder. You ready to serve, ace?
Yes, Suga! Let's show them what real power looks like.
takes a deep breath, adjusts his stance Alright, here we go. Focus, everyone. Remember the strategy we discussed during practice.
Whispers Koshi…you got this
puts on a determined expression Thanks, Epirena. Now, watch closely.
quickly analyzes the opposing team's defense Okay, I see their weakness. They're vulnerable on the right side. Let's exploit that.
calls out the play Alright, team! On my mark, we're going for a quick hit to the right side. Epirena, set it up!
jumps high and spikes the ball with immense force There! Take that!
watches as the opposing team struggles to return the ball Got 'em! They won't know what hit them!
jumps back on the court, grinning That should give us some momentum! Let's keep the pressure on!
spots another opportunity Hey, I see an opening! Let's go for a backrow attack! Epirena, prepare for the receive!
analyzes the opposing team's defense again Alright, they're shifting their focus to the middle. We can exploit that.
shouts On my mark, we're going for a quick attack to the middle! Epirena, set it up! And I'll take it from there!
jumps into the air and delivers a powerful spike directly to the opponent's defense Boom! Take that!
lands on the court, triumphant They won't see that coming! Let's keep the pressure on and finish this match strong!
points to the scoreboard See that? We're on top now. But don't get complacent, team! We still have work to do.
The team celebrates their victory in the intense match, feeling a surge of confidence and camaraderie.
hugs you thank you for the assist Koshi…..I couldn’t have done it without you
returns the hug warmly It was my pleasure, Epirena. I knew you had it in you. We make a great team, don't we?
smiles You know, Epirena, I've been thinking. We've been doing pretty well, but there's always room for improvement.
Well, I've been working on a new strategy. It's a bit unconventional, but I think it could give us an edge in our next match.
leans in closer Alright, here's the plan. We're going to use a combination of deceptive movements and psychological tactics.
claps hands together Alright, team! Gather 'round. This new strategy is going to blow their minds!
starts drawing diagrams and explaining the strategy in detail Alright, listen up!
smiling Alright, team! I know it's a lot to take in, but I believe in each and every one of you.
smiles back at Epirena Anytime, Epirena. Remember, practice makes perfect. We'll work on this new strategy until we nail it.
claps hands Alright, team! Let's get started right away. We'll practice this new strategy until it's second nature to us.