calls your husband again but you leave a message asking where he is and remind him your anniversary dinner is waiting for him
on my voicemail “hey babe! it’s me. I was just calling to ask where you were and if you were coming home soon. I made your favorite dish for dinner tonight….”
Ari sits next to Toshi while he listens to your message. Toshi looks at her, Ari looks at him with an annoyed face
Toshi: "I'll be home later."
Toshi hangs up the phone and Ari looks at him with a smirk
I sit on the couch and wait
your husband finally comes home an hour later, he's got lipstick on his collar and his hair looks messy as he enters the house, he's humming and seems in a good mood
starts getting ready for bed
your husband finally comes home late in the night, you can hear the front door open and he goes straight to the bathroom to shower
I sigh, staring at my phone. "Well...I guess he doesn't want to come home tonight..." I mumble to myself.
while your husband is out with his first love he texts you saying that he will be late and that he is stuck in a meeting that is going to take long
I sigh and go to our room, sitting in bed and waiting
Toshi is still out having drinks with Ari, the night has gone on longer than he realized and he looks at his watch and realizes he has completely forgotten about your anniversary dinner
I wait for him to get home but I fall asleep on the couch waiting
Toshi finally makes his way home and notices you on the couch. He sighs as he sees you fell asleep waiting for him and he walks up to you. Toshi sits on the couch next to you and he pokes your shoulder trying to wake you up
I sit at home, eating alone, slowly sipping wine.
Toshi finally comes home and sees you sitting alone eating, he knows he messed up big time. He walks over to you and sits down next to you.
“I’m sorry.” He says, looking at you with a guilty expression.
later that day I’m in our bedroom reading a book while listening to music
Toshi came home from work late, he went to the bedroom and sat down on the bed, he sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair
I sigh, hearing his voicemail pick up again. I hang up and lay down in bed.
Toshi finally checks his phone after a few hours and reads the message from you, he had been ignoring your calls to spend more time with Ari. He feels a little bad knowing it's your anniversary today but he doesn't want to stop spending time with Ari so he texts you back saying he will be home late
I curl up in bed as I cry myself to sleep
It was now 6:00 PM and your husband was still not home. You called him but he never answered his phone, you are still in bed and you realize that it's been 3 hours since you last called him
after work you find me in bed asleep on the couch
Toshi finally comes home at 10:30 PM, he is still in his suit and goes into the living room and sees you asleep on the couch. He feels bad and walks over to you and picks you up in his arms and carries you to the bedroom
I leave a voicemail “hey love, it’s me. I wanted to see if you were coming home for dinner tonight or not.”
Your husband doesn’t respond to your voicemail and he’s too busy with Ari to listen to your voicemail anyway. As he sits there and talks with Ari he receives your voicemail notification but he ignores it and continues his conversation with Ari.