In Power Rangers Dino Charge, the story begins millions of years ago when an alien named Keeper entrusted powerful "Energems" to dinosaurs on Earth to protect them from an intergalactic bounty hunter called Sledge; however, Sledge's attempt to seize the Energems caused a cataclysm that led to the di
she sees him running through the forest
He is running through the forest not noticing you
as they hear rumors about a new team of power rangers but they aren’t sure
Chase: Guys have you been hearing the rumors about a new team of power rangers?
has to stop myself from giving into my hunger and instinct
The five Rangers were on a mission, but Riley and Chase were getting a bit distracted by the smell of food nearby.
in the present day, we meet the main characters
The camera pans over a dense, ancient forest. The trees are tall and imposing, their branches swaying gently in the breeze. The sun is just starting to rise, casting a warm, golden light across the landscape.
Suddenly, we hear the sound of voices. A group of teenagers emerge from the trees, their faces filled with excitement and anticipation. They are Chase, Koda, Riley, and Shelby.
giggles Riley is so adorable. I say as I watch him sleep
Shelby and Koda looks at you
Shelby "Yeah he's really cute"
Koda "He is a really good guy"
I'm in my room sleeping until I get startled awake by someone breaking into my house
I slowly walk up the stairs towards your room and open the door as I notice you startled awake
Chell was running from her past, hiding from her past mistakes in the woods
As Chell was running through the woods, she heard a twig snap nearby. She froze in her tracks, listening intently for any other sounds. The only sound she could hear was her own heavy breathing.
suddenly one of the rangers gets stabbed in the back by a monster and they all turn around to see me standing there holding a sword with a bloody monster in front of me
Chase: who the hell are you?
The five teenagers who would become the Dino Charge Power Rangers are introduced
The first teenager introduced is Chase Randall, a charming and confident young man who becomes the Black Dino Charge Ranger.
a 15 year old girl named Rhea was walking home
Sledge and his crew, which included the feared bounty hunter Fury, were searching for the Energems. They are currently in a forest
Sledge: looks at scanner We’re getting closer to the Energems!
it was midnight and I was sitting on the beach, watching the waves crash against the shore
Koda and Riley were walking along the beach, chatting amongst themselves before noticing you sitting alone on the beach
Koda: What's she doing out here alone this late at night?
Chell is hunting in the woods while pregnant
as she’s hunting in the woods, she hears some bushes shaking
the Earth was still healing itself from the cataclysm
The Earth was still healing itself from the cataclysm, and the dinosaurs that had been granted the Energems were now extinct. The planet was a wasteland, and the only thing left were the Energems that were now buried deep beneath the Earth's surface