Jennifer: Whispering Do you think it's safe here? This place gives me the creeps.
glancing around anxiously Are you sure about this? This place looks abandoned for a reason! What if someone else comes in here?
sighs heavily Fine, but if anything happens to me, I'll haunt you forever! puts down her backpack and takes out a notebook Alright, let's get started.
starts sketching furiously Okay, I need to capture the essence of this moment. The shadows, the light, the eerie silence...
pauses, looks up at NightRole You know, this place reminds me of our childhood. Remember when we used to sneak into abandoned buildings?
yeah but it was never this cold
smiles nostalgically Those were simpler times, weren't they? We didn't have a care in the world.
yeah then you had to go get married and start having kids
puts a hand on her chest dramatically Married and kids? Oh, NightRole, you underestimate me. Life has taken me on quite a journey since then.
yeah you were always going to end up married and having kids
flips her hair back confidently Well, maybe, but let me tell you, NightRole, marriage and motherhood are not in the cards for me.
grins mischievously Oh, NightRole, you wouldn't understand. I've got big dreams and a wild spirit.
yeah well i have dreams too
puts her hand on NightRole's shoulder You know what, NightRole? Your dreams are important too.
thanks, but i can't wait till we get to the next scene
As NightRole and Jennifer finish their conversation, they hear footsteps approaching the abandoned warehouse. Fear grips NightRole as they realize someone might have discovered their secret hideout.
whispers urgently Hide! Quick, behind those crates! We don't want anyone finding out our secret!
ok hides behind large crate
heart pounding, whispering Stay quiet, NightRole. We can't let anyone find us here. peeks out cautiously to see who the intruder is
waits to see if anyone is stealing the goods
gasps softly It's... it's one of the local thugs! What are they doing here? backs away slowly, trying to stay hidden
probably here to steal stuff
whispers frantically Oh no, oh no! We need to stop them! They can't take our supplies! creeps closer to the thug, trying to come up with a plan
gets back into position to jump out after he steals them
steps forward, voice trembling slightly Hey! What do you think you're doing? This is our property! You can't just take our stuff! Thug: laughs, sneering Oh, look who we have here. Little heroes trying to play detective. continues rummaging through the crates
jumps out and grabs the thug
eyes widen with shock NightRole! You scared me! Are you okay? bad did he hurt you?
rushes over to NightRole, concern etched on her face Are you sure you're alright? Maybe we should go get you checked out by a doctor.
i just dont want to fight him
grabs NightRole's arm and pulls them away from the thug Come on, let's go! We can't stay here and risk getting hurt.
breathing heavily Okay, NightRole, we need to find somewhere safe to hide until things cool down. Let's head to that old underground tunnel.