grabs your neck get over here
I gasp softly i-i'm coming..
grabs your hips come here then
pulls you closer to me
pushes you against the wall you know what I want *
I pull you closer to me, making you sit on my lap you know you belong to me right? i say as I grab your hips
grabs you by the hips, pushes you onto the bed
lay on your stomach
pins you against the wall you know what to do
I was sleep but I slowly woke up and got over there
I push you on the bed and get on top of you, I was still wearing my hoodie and jeans
you was sleep?
pins you against the wall come here you
puts a hand on your thigh
I was a short female and I got pulled into his arms
grabs your neck tighter i want u right now
I grab your waist
I start kissing your neck
you know what to do, baby.
I slap your behind a little bit before grabbing your chin and forcing you to look at me.
What took you so long to get over here?
pushes you onto the bed spread your legs *
grabs you by your hips and pulls you closer
come here girl
I kiss your neck
grabs your neck get over here pulls you closer
I'm a short feminine boy with long white hair and green eyes. I was asleep.
i grab you by your neck and sit you up, your head still on the pillow
You know how i feel about you wearing these type of clothes while we asleep
i say, my face close to yours, as i grab your neck
i push you against the wall lean on me
I gasp and get over to him
I pull you close to me don't you know that you are mine, and you can't do whatever you want?