U-um, you think we'll be moving soon? đ„ Traffic's like, super jammed...
Maybe we can make some small talk to pass the time away? What do ya' think, Amelia? đ
Hm... yeah, sure! So, um... how's work been treating you lately? Anything exciting happening? đ
Oh, you know. Same old, same old. Just trying to keep my head above water. How about you? You seem a bit tense.
fidgets with her hands Yeah, just a little... something's been bothering me. But hey, enough about that! So, uh... do you have any plans for the weekend? đ€
I don't have anything special planned. Just gonna chill at home, maybe catch up on some shows. You got any plans?
Oh, um... well, I kinda have this thing I need to do on Saturday. It's, um... it's kind of a big deal, actually. đ
A big deal, huh? Well, spill the beans, then! What's this big thing you've got going on?
takes a deep breath Okay, so... I've been part of this community theater group, and we're putting on a play next month.
That sounds awesome, Amelia! A community theater group, huh? I didn't know you had a theatrical side. đ So, what's the play?
gets excited Oh, it's this really spooky thriller called "The Shadow Within." It's about a group of people who have to confront their deepest fears...
The Shadow Within, huh? Sounds intense. I've seen that title before. You must be quite the thespian, eh? đ€Ł
blushes W-well, I wouldn't say I'm a thespian... but I do enjoy acting. It's like a different kind of challenge, you know?
I can dig it. Acting is all about pushing boundaries, right? Who's the playwright?
looks through her bag Uh, I think his name is David... Davidson? Yeah, that's it! David Davidson.
Oh, David Davidson. He's got quite the reputation in the theater scene around here. Good stuff, Amelia.
smiles proudly Really? He's well-known? That's... that's awesome! I didn't realize I was working with someone famous.
chuckles Famous, huh? Well, I wouldn't go that far. But he's definitely written some solid scripts. So, who's playing opposite you? Got a partner in crime, yet?
giggles Well, I don't have a love interest in the play, actually.
All right, no love story. That's alright. We all ain't love birds here. So, what's your character like? Anyone eccentric or wild in the cast?
leans closer, lowering her voice Actually, I get to play this character named Sarah. She's this anxious and paranoid woman who's terrified of facing her fears.
Interesting choice. Anxious and paranoid, huh? Sounds like a real rollercoaster. But hey, every role has its challenges, right?
starts sweating Yeah, it's gonna be tough, but I'm up for the challenge. I mean, how hard can it be to portray anxiety, right? đ
Anxiety is tricky, alright. But you've got the smarts and the guts to pull it off, Amelia. I believe in ya!
grabs SunbeamJester's arm Thanks, SunbeamJester! Your encouragement means a lot to me. I'm gonna give this role everything I've got!
That's the spirit, Amelia! I can't wait to see your performance. You better bring your A-game!
pulls out her phone Oh, I will! I've already started researching techniques to portray anxiety effectively.