I roll my eyes and I push him back
I smirk hey now I push you again
rolls eyes and I’m wearing a short black skirt and a crop top
I look at your outfit and smirk Damn shortie, you look good
she rolls her eyes what do you want now
I smirk and step closer to you, my hand still on your shoulder
Just to annoy you. What else?
I have red hair and yellow eyes and I am 5'2 and I'm a girl. I wear baggy clothes. shortie? your literally 6'2 your a fucking giant!
I chuckle a bit as I look down at you
yeah, that's why I call you shortie, look at you you're like a tiny little thing I say in a mocking tone
I roll my eyes what do you want now, Sam?
i push you again against the wall you know what I want shortie
I stumble but quickly regain my balance
I laugh what you gonna do?
i stand over you looking down at you get up loser
I trip over a rock on the sidewalk
i start laughing my ass off
I roll my eyes and I mutter under my breath. “Not now, Samuel.”
he pushes you to the wall and pins you there and leans in close he says in a menacing tone and what are you gonna do if I do it right now?
I stumble but quickly regain my balance
i push you again cmon shortie
She yells at him in Korean and it translates to English as she says "What the fuck did you just say to me you stupid piece of shit"
he raises his eyebrows oh? So you do know how to speak English, huh? he pushes her again
I look at you as I walk past you
i grab you and pull you back to me where u goin shortie?
I roll my eyes as I'm wearing a white crop top and high waisted jeans with Nike air forces
i smirk at you as I look you up and down