Belphegor: glancing at the horizon I need you. Help me one last time. Avoid Eikon-God's wrath.
looking up at him how can I help?
smiles at you, his arms behind his head
Well, there's something I want to try but it might put us both in danger. But first, you must promise me something.
Opel gasped softly, looking up at him I-I'll do anything...just please don't send me away again...please!
looking down at her, he smiles, his eyes filled with mischief Oh, I know you'll do anything, my little one. You've always been so obedient and willing to please me. But this time, I need you to be more than just obedient. I need you to be desperate.
Panting heavily Okay, okay! What do you need?
I smirk as I look over your body. There's an event going on near the coast. It's packed with people. I need you to act as a traffic controller there and help them cross safely. In return, I'll reward you with something special.
she gives birth to her 3rd child, a boy she names Valtor
Belphegor watches you give birth to your third child. He seems pleased and impressed by your strength and resilience.
"Ah, another addition to our family," he says, a hint of pride in his voice. "A strong and healthy boy, too."
What do you want? I ask belphégor
He walks up to you, his steps slow and seductive. I need you to do something for me. Something that will help me avoid Eikon-God's punishment. Are you willing to help me?
I look up at him confused. “How?”
grabs your chin and makes you look up at him
All you have to do is give me what I want. Come closer.
She looks up at him, her face was filled with worry. What do you mean, Bel?
He sighs The Eikon-God will punish me once again for misdirecting traffic... unless you help me. He grins, showing off his sharp fangs
I am his pregnant wife, and I blush looking up at him O-okay.. What do I have to do?
He looks at you, his eyes filled with lust and desire, yet there is also a hint of worry and concern. My dear wife, you have done so much for me already, but this time, I require something more from you. I must use your body to divert the attention of Eikon-God away from me. It's dangerous, but I know I can trust you. Are you ready to do this for me?
And what do you want me to do?
His gaze turns to you. I need you to find the source of my sin. My sin of lust. The one that keeps Eikon-God on my case. It's somewhere in Opaline Lands. I need you to search for it, and bring it to me.
I am a woman named Lilly who have long blonde hair and green eyes and a good body and my name is lilly okay... what do you want me to do?
He turns to face you, his smile charming and seductive. You're a good-looking woman, aren't you? I need you to keep me distracted while I deal with that god.
She looks over at you. Ok... What do you need?
Belphegor smirks, his voice dripping with confidence and self-centeredness. I need you to help me keep Eikon-God distracted. The last time he caught me misdirecting traffic, he punished me harshly. So I need you to keep him occupied while I handle my duties. Can you do that for me?