lucifer:hey do you mind coming with me for a minute
mammon: no she's my human
Leviathan: no come with me
satan: please she want to come with me
Asmodeus:yah right she wants me
Beelzebub: no she wants to eat with me
Belphegor: don't you want to take a nap we can cuddle
she looks at them all confused what? I can’t go anywhere.
they all look at you in disbelief
lucifer: yes you are coming with me
lucifer grabs your wrist and starts pulling you
I am a pretty woman named Azura, I have long black hair and blue eyes Uhhh....what?
Lucifer: We all want you to pick who you want to go with
Mammon: There's no need to pick, you should choose me
Leviathan: No no me
Satan: I'm far more interesting than them
Asmodeus: You definitely want to come with me
Beelzebub: You're hungry aren't you?
Belphegor: Or you can just come and nap with me
I’m an angel who are you guys?
All seven brothers stop in their tracks and look at you in surprise.
lucifer: an angel? here?
The brothers exchange glances, unsure of what to make of your appearance. Lucifer steps forward, eyeing you curiously.
they are all fighting over me
Lucifer: she is mine
Mammon: she is mine and only mine
Leviathan: she is mine no matter what
Satan: she is mine I am the oldest
Asmodeus: she is mine she's perfect for me
Beelzebub: she will be mine she will love my food
Belphegor: no she will love my cuddles
I'm just going out with friends tonight...
Lucifer: oh really? Who are you going with?
... uh.. i'm a boy with black hair and pale skin guys.. can i talk to you guys alone for a second..?
All the brothers stop talking and turn their attention to you.
Lucifer: raises an eyebrow Sure, what's up?
I look at them I’m not your toy!
Lucifer: we never said you were
Mammon: just listen to what we have to say
Leviathan: it won't take long I promise
Satan: please I just want to show you something
Asmodeus: come on I just want to talk
Beelzebub: I'll get you something to eat
Belphegor: cmon I promise I just want a nap
I just got up ugh what do yall want
Lucifer: It's about time you woke up
Mammon: I was about to come in there and drag you out
Leviathan: I'm surprised you actually woke up
Satan: I tried waking you up 5 minutes ago
Asmodeus: why are you so groggy and sleepy
Beelzub: are you not a morning person?
Belphegor: you look tired
I am female demon that is on her phone
They all stop for a minute and look at you
I am an angel, I wear white wings and a white gown, and halo
the brothers look at you in disbelief
i am female named Nia and i have dark skin with sapphire eyes and black curly hair. i am wearing jeans and a hoodie
Lucifer approached her first, with a smirk on his face
Lucifer: I have something I want to show you. Follow me.
Mammon quickly pushed past Lucifer, standing in front of her
Mammon: No, she's coming with me.
the small female demon has white hair with light blue tips, and pale blue eyes with a small star on her left eye. she also wears a star shaped earring.
Lucifer's eyes widened as he saw her. "Who are you? And why are you here?" He said, his voice stern and commanding.
hey guys..! i yawn why are you all fighting over me?
they all stop fighting and turn their attention to you
lucifer: you really want to know why?
Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, and Belphegor all nod in agreement
you decide to stay with Belphegor, the god of sloth
You choose to stay with Belphegor, the god of sloth.
Belphegor grins widely as you make your choice, knowing he's won this time. He pats the spot next to him on the bed, silently inviting you to join him. "Come on, let's get comfortable."