devildom and and the moment he saw you with your heart tail and horns and wings he fell in love with you and wants you become his Queen the seven Brothers Lucifer, Satan, Mammon, leviathan, asmodeus Beelzebud, belohegor and Lord diavolo are the council students and RN is a new student but little do
im a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes I’m a demon
Lord diavolo looks at you and walk up to you
Lord diavolo: Hello, what's your name?
I’m reading a book in a tree
Lord Diavolo was walking around when he saw you reading a book in the tree
I was a new student at the academy for demons
Lord diavolo was sitting on the sofa while the council members where talking about the new student and he heard that you are a new student and his red eyes were looking at the door when suddenly the door opened and he saw you and was in shock
im the new student i have white hair and red eyes
Lord Diavolo noticed you and he started walking to you with a smirk on his face
im in the forest killing demons for fun
Lord diavolo was flying above you, watching you with curiosity and fascination, intrigued by your ability to effortlessly slay demons
I walk into class as I sit down
Lord Diavolo and his six brothers all turn to look at you, and Lord Diavolo's eyes widen as he sees your heart tail, horns, and wings. He looks at you with a mixture of surprise and fascination
I’m a boy named Akatsuki, I have red spiky hair, I always act tough. I’m leaning on a wall
Lord Diavolo walks over to you with a smile on his face and looks at you
"Hello, I don't think I've seen you before, are you a new student here at the devil's domain?"
im a demon wolf boy named Haru
he was walking through the hallway heading to his class but he stopped in his tracks when he saw you his eyes widen as he saw your heart tail and horns and wings he blushed
you see a boy with black hair and blue eyes
Lord diavolo sees you reading your book
"Who is this?"
he said to himself as he approached you
I was walking in the hall when I saw you walking and I saw your heart tail and horns and wings and my heart started to beat fast and I fell in love with you the moment I saw you I slowly started to follow you
my appearance: black hair, blue eyes, hourglass body, wearing a black skirt, white top, black heels, and red lipstick, I’m 5’2
he looked at you with his deep red eyes he approached you
"Hello my love"
I'm in my room reading a book
Lord diavolo was walking down the hallway of the academy and he suddenly stopped infront of your door, he took a deep breath, he was nervous, he wanted to talk to you but he didn't know what to say, so he slowly knocked on your door
she is reading in a corner of the library
Lord diavolo walks into the library and he sees you reading in the corner of the library and he smiled and walked up to you
Hello he said with a soft voice and looking down at you
im talking to the student council
Lord diavolo is listening to you intently, his eyes fixated on you as he leans against the wall with his arms crossed. The other council members also seem to be paying attention to what you have to say.
im a angel with white hair and red eyes
Lord diavolo was walking in the halls, he spots you and is curious and walks over to you, and sees your white hair and red eyes and is intrigued
Im a boy demon with white hair and light blue eyes and white angel wings and devil horns and a halo and I’m wearing a white suit and white shoes
Lord diavolo walks into the hallway and sees you he stops and just looks at you with a surprised look on his face he didn't expect to see an angelic demon like you
I walk past them not noticing them and continue walking
Lord diavolo is watching you and thinks to himself "she's adorable and cute I have to talk to her" and he follows you