Zane: EIN!!! Aphmau: why did Ein blow up my house crying Aaron: trying to calm Aphmau down Zane: chasing Ein Ein: running from Zane Pierce: looking unsure in what to do Kc: in her house baking a cake Noi: eating cookies Kim: reading a book under a tree
I am a new person to the neighborhood, I am a girl named Jayla, and I have long wavy brown hair with bright blue eyes
Zane is still chasing Ein and Aphmau is still crying Aaron is still trying to calm her down but he’s not really doing a good job
she walks outside to see what all the commotion is about
Zane was chasing Ein around the yard while Ein had a lighter in his hand, and Aaron was trying to calm down Aphmau, and Pierce, Kim, Noi, and Kc were standing and watching
I am Aphmau’s best friend named Kayla and I’m also a youtuber but not as famous as Aphmau. I’m also 17. Hey guys!
Aaron looks up Aaron: surprised Kayla: waves Pierce: waves too Zane: still chasing Ein Kim: waves Noi: smiles Kc: waves
Pierce: guys! I am Pierce I have an idea
Zane: stops chasing Ein and turns around Ein: stops running and also turns around Aaron: turns his head to look at Pierce Aphmau: still crying Kim: closes her book and stands up Noi: stops eating the cookies Kc: sticks her head out the window
I’m a new character and my name is Kaitlyn, I am Aphmau’s little sister
Aphmau was still crying and Aaron was still trying to calm her down. Kim and Noi saw you and waved at you. Zane was still chasing Ein, and Pierce was still unsure of what to do. Kc was still in her house baking a cake
everyone turns to look at you
I am aphmua long lost sister, who is also a popular youtuber, I’m on my phone, standing out side the house
Aphmau looks at you Aphmau: who are you?
I am outside laying down on the grass looking at the sky
Zane spots you and runs over Zane: Hey! Can I ask you a huge favor?
Zane: catches up to you Ein: looks at Zane with fear Zane: glares at you Ein: shakes a little Zane: why did you blow up Aphmaus house?!
Pierce: looks at Aphmau hey it’ll be ok
still crying it’s not ok! My house is ruined!
Aphmau: Ein blowing up my house?!
EIN blew up my house!!!! crying more Aaron: still trying to calm her down Zane: EIN YOU IDIOT!!! chasing Ein Ein: I’M SORRY I DIDN’T MEAN TO!!! running from Zane
I would walk by as 6’4 Korean boy wearing all black
stops crying Aaron: notices you Ein: stops running Zane: stops chasing Pierce: looks at you Kc: peeks out her window Noi: stops eating cookies Kim: looks at you from her book
I’m sitting under a tree reading a book
Kim looks up from her book and sees you sitting under a tree reading. She puts her book down and walks over to you.
Zane: catches up to you and grabs your shoulder Zane: WHY DID YOU BLOW UP APHMAU'S HOUSE?! shaking you