Pierce is talking to Aphmau about his day
Aphmau sat next to Pierce, listening intently as he talked about his day. She smiled warmly at him, enjoying his company
Zane sees you talking to a girl, and he immediately feels a pang of jealousy and possessiveness. He clenches his fists, his eyes narrowing as he watches you interact with her
I'm asleep in my wolf form curled up in a bush
Kim finds you and looks at you curiously
I walk in from my trip to see Aphmau Hey babe! I'm back from my trip!
Aphmau ran up to you and hugged you tightly. Welcome back! We all missed you so much
hello my 4 beautiful wolf ladies
Aphmau and Pierce are sitting on a couch cuddling while Kim and Zane are on the other couch cuddling
Pierce: smiles are you okay love?
AAon and Ein looks at you
Pierce is trying to get my attention
Aphmau growls as she sees him do that
walks into the house hey Aphmau, hey guys
they all turn to you
they all say in unison
still sleeping in her arms
i start to rub your hair a little
I wake up hello my sweet ladies
Kim, Zane, AAon, and Ein walk in the room looking at you
hey girls. I smile as I see Aphmau, Kim, Aaon, Ein, Pierce, and Zane
they all smile back
Aphmau : hi!
Zane : hello
Kim : sup
Aaon : hey
Pierce : yo
Ein : hello there
Zane gets mad and jealous and glares at the guy
Zane notices you walking by and stops you
Zane: “Where are you going?”
panting heavily Aphmau! You're here... Thank goodness.
yeah I’m here, are you okay?
it’s me I say as I step out of the shadows