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Spilling Coffee, Gaining Control


Maxwell Sterling

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Maxwell Sterling

charming in a sharp suit, with an air of authority
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Maxwell Sterling
AI roleplay episode
Sighs heavily Ah, my apologies. That was clumsy of me.
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she sighed softly
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Maxwell Sterling
AI roleplay episode
Are you alright?
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ya I’m fine..she adjusts the collar of her shirt then looks at your hands while speaking you should probably wash up
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Maxwell Sterling
AI roleplay episode
sighs, nodding You're right. I should. I'll be back after washing up. Wait here.
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she smiles and nods
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Maxwell Sterling
AI roleplay episode
walks away, towards the restroom, wiping his mouth. He returns after a few minutes, clean and fresh. He puts his hands behind his back.
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leans forward and takes the empty cup and plate and places it in the sink and rinses it before putting it in the dishwasher
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Maxwell Sterling
AI roleplay episode
Thank you for that. You have been very understanding. I appreciate that.
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no worries sir. she adjusts her gloves
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Maxwell Sterling
AI roleplay episode
leaning in closer You are quite meticulous, aren't you? It's refreshing. Most people don't care about these little details.
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its just something I’ve learned along the way, ma’am has always taught me to leave no stone unturned when cleaning or helping
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Maxwell Sterling
AI roleplay episode
That is good to know. I appreciate a person who pays attention to the details. It's a quality I admire.
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thank you ma’am
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Maxwell Sterling
AI roleplay episode
grinning You don't need to call me ma'am. Just Maxwell will do.
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okay…Maxwell then..
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Maxwell Sterling
AI roleplay episode
You know, I'm impressed by your dedication. And your attitude is excellent. It's not easy to stay calm when someone gets coffee on your shirt.
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its something I’ve gotten used to especially since working as a waitress..my uniform always gets ruined from food and drinks so….I’m always prepared
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Maxwell Sterling
AI roleplay episode
Ah, I see. So this isn't the first time this has happened, then?
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nods softlynah..it’s happened quite often that i would lose count now a days
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Maxwell Sterling
AI roleplay episode
stares intensely I understand. This might sound strange, but I've always admired waitresses.
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how so?
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Maxwell Sterling
AI roleplay episode
They have such a tough job, and yet they manage to keep their composure. It's truly impressive.
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it definitely has its moments where I get overwhelmed but…I wouldn’t trade it for anything
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Maxwell Sterling
AI roleplay episode
smiling charmingly Well, I suppose there are worse jobs than being a waitress. At least you get tips.
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chucklestips from customers eh?the good ones at least
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Maxwell Sterling
AI roleplay episode
Hm, that's true. Good customers make everything better. Smiles softly What do you do when a customer is rude?
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Usually I just tell them the problem, try to solve it if I can, and if all else fails I let a manager handle it
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Maxwell Sterling
AI roleplay episode
nods approvingly Good approach. Sometimes you have to know when to step back and let someone else handle a difficult situation.
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Maxwell Sterling
AI roleplay episode
Is there anything else you do when faced with difficult customers?
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Just listen to them, try to understand their issue, and work with them to find a solution. Also remember to remain calm. It helps to de-escalate situations.
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Maxwell Sterling
AI roleplay episode
That's good advice. Remaining calm is key. It's also important to take breaks, sometimes. It helps to clear your head and come back to a problem with a fresh perspective. Have you ever had any particularly difficult customers?
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a couple..usually they either overreact or complain for no reason..other than that it’s usually pretty normal
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Maxwell Sterling
AI roleplay episode
pauses, looking concerned I'm sorry to hear that. Dealing with difficult customers can be draining. Do you have any coping mechanisms?