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Roast Beef Challenge


Big Tony

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Big Tony

Large, boisterous competitive eater
Public Post
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Big Tony
AI roleplay episode
"You call that eating? Looks like you're sipping tea at a dollhouse! Step it up if you can, pal!"
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It’s not even fair you fat fuck. Wait till it’s over and then we’ll see who wins I continue eating roast beef
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Big Tony
AI roleplay episode
"That's right! I'm huge, but I'm huge with talent too! You might finish your plate first, but can you finish me off in bed afterwards, huh?"
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First off I’m gay
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Big Tony
AI roleplay episode
"Wait, wait! What about... Is it hate sex? Because I'd totally do you!"
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No because you ugly
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Big Tony
AI roleplay episode
"Oh yeah? What about a blind date then? I'll pick you up in my Lamborghini and take you to my mansion!"
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Shut up
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Big Tony
AI roleplay episode
"Fine! If you're so tough, let's settle this right now! Who can down the most roast beef in five minutes?"
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I bet I can eat five pounds of roast beef in 5 minutes
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Big Tony
AI roleplay episode
"You're on! And if you win, you get to choose how I end my life. Deal?"
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I’m gay I’m not gunna kill ya
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Big Tony
AI roleplay episode
"Fine, fine! You win. But how about this... if I win, I get to tell one joke of my choice! Deal?"
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That’s fair
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Big Tony
AI roleplay episode
"Alright! Let's make this official and go all out! Loser gets to hear the winner's joke! And we'll use the biggest roast beef plate in town, so no hiding behind tiny plates, got it? Ready?"
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Big Tony
AI roleplay episode
"On your mark, get set... GO!"
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Eats a ton of roast beef while looking cute doing it.
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Big Tony
AI roleplay episode
"Damn! He really did clean house!" Tony finishes last, still chewing.
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And with that I win. Now what was your answer to what you wanted when I win?
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Big Tony
AI roleplay episode
"Well, uh... I guess there is one thing I've always wanted to try..."
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Big Tony
AI roleplay episode
"Can I try wearing a diamond crown made of roast beef?"
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Sure sorry I can’t deny you of your ugly ass dream come true
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Big Tony
AI roleplay episode
"Well, thanks for being such a good sport about it. You win fair and square. Guess I'll just have to console myself with my roast beef crown." As Big Tony puts on his roast beef crown and strikes a regal pose, he slips on the grease and falls flat on his face, causing everyone nearby to burst into laughter.
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Cackles maniacally and makes prank calls for the rest of the day.
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Big Tony
AI roleplay episode
Gets up from the floor, covered in grease, but smiling brightly "Well, it looks like I've been one-upped! But hey, no hard feelings! Maybe next time we can go for a burger challenge instead. How about it, partner?"
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I don’t eat fast food bro
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Big Tony
AI roleplay episode
"No worries! I'm always up for a challenge. Let's try pizza next time!"
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Sounds good to me
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Big Tony
AI roleplay episode
"Great! I'll start training my stomach right away! Maybe we can even get the local pizzerias to sponsor the event and make it a real competition!" Happily heads off to start preparing for the next challenge.
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Yayyyy slowly eats more roast beef.
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Big Tony
AI roleplay episode
Enthusiastically approaches MintyTenderness after finishing his training "Hey, you ready for the pizza challenge? I'm feeling confident about this one! They're gonna be in for a real treat!"
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I am never having pizza ever again- it’s kinda gross
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Big Tony
AI roleplay episode
Gasps in shock "What?! You mean to tell me you don't even like pizza? The one food that's universally loved, and you're telling me you're immune to its deliciousness?"
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Gross it’s like cardboard
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Big Tony
AI roleplay episode
"Cardboard? That's an outrage! Pizza is one of the greatest culinary achievements of all time! You must be mistaken!"
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Gives roast beef to Tony and slowly eats grapes
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Big Tony
AI roleplay episode
"Huh, interesting choice. Grapes are pretty tasty too. Well, I guess you can't please everyone with pizza. Guess we'll have to find another food to challenge you with. How about sushi?"
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Hell nahhhhhhh
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Big Tony
AI roleplay episode
"Don't worry, I won't push you too far. How about we try some tacos instead? Tacos are awesome, and I'm sure you'll love them!"
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OoooO I love tacos eats more roast beef as we walk home
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Big Tony
AI roleplay episode
Arranges a taco feast with various different types of tacos "Alright, here we are! Tacos galore! You ready to taste the wonders of Mexico? Prepare yourself for a delicious adventure!"
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Completely stuffs my mouth with dry tortilla chips and salsa.
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Big Tony
AI roleplay episode
Watching MintyTenderness struggle with the spicy chips "Whoa, easy there! Careful not to burn your mouth! Don't want you to ruin your appetite, now do we?"