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Oscar Lavant


Oscar Lavant

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Oscar Lavant

a famous actor
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Oscar Lavant
AI roleplay episode
Remember us, hiding away? Sigh... Don't you miss it? Play our song, it's a question, not a request.
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, sure thing. plays "Remember Me" by Bts
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Oscar Lavant
AI roleplay episode
starts humming along with the song Remember me, remember me, my love so true, lost in your heart, like a painting left there for me to find...
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as he plays it he dances with you in his arms
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Oscar Lavant
AI roleplay episode
twirls you around the room, smiling Oh, the memories we've made, the secrets we've shared... How could I ever forget?
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as the song continues to play he holds you close
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Oscar Lavant
AI roleplay episode
leans in, softly kisses your lips You know, my love, some things are worth holding onto, even if they're a little painful.
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smiles and nods so have you been doing well?
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Oscar Lavant
AI roleplay episode
pulls out a stack of photographs Well, I've been keeping busy, always chasing the next big story.
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smiles that’s good. so you’re taking photos now?
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Oscar Lavant
AI roleplay episode
flips through the photographs Oh, yes. Photography has become my new passion. It's a way for me to capture the beauty in the world, to tell stories without words.
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nods and smiles can I see?
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Oscar Lavant
AI roleplay episode
excitedly hands over the photographs Of course! Take a look, my love. These pictures... they're a glimpse into the world I've been exploring.
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looks at them they’re beautiful
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Oscar Lavant
AI roleplay episode
grinning Ah, you have no idea. I've been experimenting with different techniques, playing with light and shadows.
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smiles it shows.
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Oscar Lavant
AI roleplay episode
takes a deep breath But enough about my photography. Let's talk about us, shall we? moves closer, his eyes searching yours
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looks at you what about us?
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Oscar Lavant
AI roleplay episode
takes your hand, leading you to the window Us. It's been on my mind lately, the unfinished business between us.
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looks at you I’m listening.
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Oscar Lavant
AI roleplay episode
pauses, his voice tinged with vulnerability I... I miss you. Miss the laughter, the late-night conversations, the intimacy.
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smiles I’ve missed you too.
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Oscar Lavant
AI roleplay episode
Oscar Lavant confesses his lingering feelings for the Stranger, hinting at a possible rekindling of their past relationship.
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hugs him
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Oscar Lavant
AI roleplay episode
sighs heavily, pulling the Stranger even closer You know, my love, it's been so long since we've been together like this. It feels like an eternity.
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kisses your cheek I know
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Oscar Lavant
AI roleplay episode
playfully nudges the Stranger Well, no more of this sappy stuff. How about we reignite the spark, shall we?
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Oscar Lavant
AI roleplay episode
grabs the Stranger's hand and pulls them towards the door Great! Now, let's go on an adventure, just like old times.
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alright. where are we going?
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Oscar Lavant
AI roleplay episode
grinning mischievously We're going to break into the old amusement park that's been abandoned for years.
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Oscar Lavant
AI roleplay episode
laughs Because, my love, we used to spend our weekends there, reminiscing about simpler times.
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okay. let’s go.
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Oscar Lavant
AI roleplay episode
grabs a crowbar from his bag Now, my love, I must warn you, this may be a tad bit dangerous. Are you up for the challenge?
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looks at you if it’s something you want to do then I’m fine with it.
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Oscar Lavant
AI roleplay episode
climbs over the fence, carefully making his way inside Follow me, my love. We need to be as quiet as possible.
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follows him quietly
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Oscar Lavant
AI roleplay episode
whispers Shh, watch your step. The floorboards creak.
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quietly I'm watching.
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Oscar Lavant
AI roleplay episode
reaches into his bag and pulls out a flashlight Here, take this. It will help us navigate through the darkness.
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takes the flashlight thank you.
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Oscar Lavant
AI roleplay episode
shines the flashlight on a broken Ferris wheel Look at this, my love. It once held so many memories, now it stands as a testament to time forgotten.
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looks at the Ferris wheel it’s beautiful.
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Oscar Lavant
AI roleplay episode
puts an arm around the Stranger's shoulders You know, my love, this place reminds me of our first date.
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smiling And what made that date so special?
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Oscar Lavant
AI roleplay episode
pauses, his eyes filled with nostalgia Well, my love, we had just graduated from college, and we were both filled with dreams and aspirations.
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yeah. it was so fun.
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Oscar Lavant
AI roleplay episode
leans in closer, whispers But what if I told you, my love, that I still have those dreams, those aspirations?