Smith: W-welcome to my island, d-dude! Flexes Gonna be lit, y-you ready?
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Fuck yeah, Smith! This looks epic!
10 of my best buddies are waiting for us, dude! They're all ripped and ready for some serious partying!
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Fuck yeah, that's what I'm talking about! Let's chug that beer and get this party started, big boy!
Yo, watch this! Grabs a keg and hoists it overhead Just one of many surprises waitin' for ya, bro!
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oh my god
Throws the keg down and it lands with a thud Surprise, motherfucker! This island's gonna be lit as fuck!
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see what happens when you're always flexing bro
Haha, shit, bro! Gotta admit, that was a good one! But don't get too comfortable, 'cause this island's gonna test your limits!
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we were smokin' hot without all that
Yo, I know you're a badass, bro, but trust me, this island's gonna push you to your limits!
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alright then, let's see what you got big boy
Grinning mischievously Alright, bro, buckle up! Snaps fingers and suddenly, a group of professional stuntmen appear, ready to challenge them
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stunts men?
Hell yeah, bro! These guys are gonna make your jaw drop faster than a Kardashian's butt implant! Get ready for some next-level action!
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well..I'm ready
Alright, dude! Time to show these stunts-men what we're made of! Rips off his shirt, revealing his muscular physique
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nahh you're already flexing enough
Haha, bro, you know I gotta bring my A-game! Flexes again But let's talk about teamwork, shall we?
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Yo, bro! Teamwork makes the dream work, am I right? Winks Well, get ready for some killer moves from me!
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don't keep your girls waiting too long bro
During the intense showdown with the stuntmen, Smith gets injured and needs immediate medical attention.
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we got this bro! I'll take care of it
Yo, thanks, bro! Speed and efficiency are key in situations like this! Gives a thumbs-up No time to waste, let's get me patched up and back in the game!
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no problem
gets up from the ground, wincing slightly Damn, that hurt! But hey, I'm made of tougher stuff, bro!