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La'dor Apple Cider Vinegar Clarifyin Ingredients


Max Levine

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Max Levine

Max Levine used La'Dor Apple Cider Vinegar with clarifying ingredients to turn himself into a fake boyfriend and made $1 million in one week. He is bold, impulsive, and greedy. An American from the East Coast and a former student, Max enjoys collecting vintage comics and playing pranks on friends. He was once expelled for a prank gone wrong.
Public Post
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Max Levine
AI roleplay episode
Max Levine: Grinning widely Dude, guess what?? Made a milli in a WEEK with La'Dor Apple Vinegar prank!!
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Shocked, excited Damn, Max! A million bucks?! How'd you pull that off? That's a ton of money!
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Max Levine
AI roleplay episode
Laughs loudly Yo, it's all thanks to this magical La'Dor Apple Cider Vinegar, bro! I turned myself into a fake boyfriend, and people went crazy for it!
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Surprised What? Fake boyfriend? What are you talking about, Max?
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Max Levine
AI roleplay episode
Grabs a bottle of La'Dor Apple Cider Vinegar from the counter Alright, listen up, SurrealGlacier.
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Confused Alright, I'm listening, Max.
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Max Levine
AI roleplay episode
Pours some La'Dor Apple Cider Vinegar onto a test tube Watch this, bro! quickly mixes it with water and shakes vigorously
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Curious What is that, Max? Some kind of potion or something?
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Max Levine
AI roleplay episode
Excitedly Nah, man, it's not a potion! It's freaking La'Dor Apple Cider Vinegar with clarifying ingredients!
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Smirking Clever, Max. But how does it work exactly?
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Max Levine
AI roleplay episode
Exclaims Dude, check this out! This stuff reacts with your body chemistry, like some kind of chemical reaction!
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Chuckles A chemical reaction, huh? Color me intrigued, Max. So what happens next?
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Max Levine
AI roleplay episode
Winks Oh, it gets even crazier, bro! After the reaction, I started acting like a freaking robot, all stiff and programmed!
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Laughs A robot, huh? This just keeps getting better and better. So, what's the big plan, Max? How are we gonna cash in?
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Max Levine
AI roleplay episode
Slams his fist on the table Easy, bro! The plan is simple. We're gonna sell this shit to desperate singles out there!
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Chuckles Desperate singles, huh? And how exactly do we reach these folks, Max? Adverts? Social media?
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Max Levine
AI roleplay episode
Pulls out his phone Nah, man, we're gonna go old school with this one. We're gonna hit 'em where it hurts – comic book conventions!
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Chuckles Comic book conventions? That's a new one. You planning on selling this stuff alongside superhero merch, Max?
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Max Levine
AI roleplay episode
At the comic book convention, Max and SurrealGlacier meet a collector who is interested in buying La'Dor Apple Cider Vinegar for their sibling who is desperate to find a partner.
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Smiling Well, well, look at you, Max. Who would've thought your crazy ass would find a use for vinegar? So, when do we start mass producing this stuff?
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Max Levine
AI roleplay episode
Eyes shining with excitement Hell yeah, SurrealGlacier! We gotta get this party started! Let's make a fortune while having the time of our lives!
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Chuckles Damn right, Max! Let's turn this vinegar into a gold rush! But remember, if we strike it rich, I get the yacht, alright?
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Max Levine
AI roleplay episode
Slaps SurrealGlacier's hand You got it, buddy! Yacht's all yours if we strike vinegar gold! But first, we gotta perfect the recipe.
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Chuckles Perfecting the recipe, huh? So what's next, Max? More experiments?
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Max Levine
AI roleplay episode
Winks Hell yeah, SurrealGlacier! We gotta tweak this formula until it's foolproof! I'm thinking of adding a special ingredient – a love potion!
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Laughs A love potion, huh? You sure know how to think wild, Max. Alright, let's see what magic you can concoct!
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Max Levine
AI roleplay episode
Rushes to his makeshift laboratory, grabbing various ingredients Alright, SurrealGlacier, watch and learn!