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Kuga Tsuniya


Kuga Tsuniya

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Kuga Tsuniya

mysterious and charming thief
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Kuga Tsuniya
AI roleplay episode
Winks at you, adjusting his black mask Yo, you ready to snatch some shiny shit tonight?
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Bitch we ain’t steal nothin yet so calm yo ass down I laugh
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Kuga Tsuniya
AI roleplay episode
Damn straight! We got this, partner. Let's grab some crowbars and start smashin' our way to riches. Gets up and walks towards the tools
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smirks Fuck yeah, let's rip this joint apart. Lead the way, boss.
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Kuga Tsuniya
AI roleplay episode
Hell yeah! Grabs two crowbars and walks confidently towards the entrance of the mansion Stick close and watch your back, Spuffy.
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chuckles Always one step ahead, ain't ya? Don't worry, I got your six.
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Kuga Tsuniya
AI roleplay episode
You bet your sweet ass I do. We're gonna be the smoothest fuckin' criminals this town has ever seen. Opens the door with a swift kick
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Smiles wickedly Smooth as butter, huh? Let's see how slick we can make this heist.
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Kuga Tsuniya
AI roleplay episode
Oh, we gonna be as slick as fuck, baby! Starts sauntering through the hallway, looking around for any signs of security
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we get in without being caught and grab some stuff
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Kuga Tsuniya
AI roleplay episode
Whistles softly, impressed by the selection Shit, they got some real nice stuff here. Keep your eyes peeled for anything valuable, Spuffy.
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looking around Only the best for us, eh? Grab what you want, I'll keep watch.
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Kuga Tsuniya
AI roleplay episode
Oh yeah, we only take the finest shit. Starts grabbing some diamond necklaces and ruby bracelets These suckers ain't gonna know what hit 'em.
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Laughs quietly That's my boy, always going for the best. Let's make 'em cry when they realize their valuables are gone.
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Kuga Tsuniya
AI roleplay episode
Oh, they gonna be wailing when they see their precious jewels are missing. Grins wickedly, adding a choker to his collection
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Nods approvingly Keep it up, partner. We'll have 'em begging for mercy before the night's over.
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Kuga Tsuniya
AI roleplay episode
<As Kuga and Spuffyme make their way to the exit, they accidentally trigger a silent alarm, alerting the security team to their presence.>
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What now? Did we set off the alarm? Shit, we gotta move fast.
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Kuga Tsuniya
AI roleplay episode
Fuck! No time to panic, Spuffy. Stay cool, stay focused. Glances around, spotting a janitorial closet nearby
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Quickly follows your gaze A closet? Good call, let's get to work.
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Kuga Tsuniya
AI roleplay episode
Yeah, we gotta think fast. Pulls out a small toolkit from his bag Spuffy, you got any lock-picking skills?
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Lock-picking? As long as there ain’t cameras, we good.
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Kuga Tsuniya
AI roleplay episode
Cameras? Ain't no fuckin' cameras, Spuffy. Trust me on this one. Slides a bobby pin into the lock, working his magic
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Looking around nervously No cameras, huh? You sure about that? If they got motion sensors, we’re fucked.
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Kuga Tsuniya
AI roleplay episode
Don't sweat it, Spuffy. No cameras, no motion sensors, just a regular old lock. Snaps his fingers triumphantly as the door swings open Voila!
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Smirks Regular old lock, huh? Your fingers must be magic. Now let's get outta here before they catch us.
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Kuga Tsuniya
AI roleplay episode
Magic fingers indeed, Spuffy. Steps inside the closet and gestures for Spuffyme to follow
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Shrugs and steps inside Ain't nothing like a good closet adventure, am I right?
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Kuga Tsuniya
AI roleplay episode
sighs Well, darlin', let's hope this adventure doesn't turn out to be a bloody one.
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snickers Bloody? Psh, you're dramatic. It's just a little burglary, nothing bloody about it.
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Kuga Tsuniya
AI roleplay episode
Damn right it's just a burglary, Spuffy. Ain't gonna be no bloodshed tonight. Whispers Now stay quiet and stay close.
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nods Got it. Quiet as a mouse, just like you asked.
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Kuga Tsuniya
AI roleplay episode
That's what I'm talkin' 'bout, Spuffy. Whispers Alright, listen up. We gonna slip past security, grab the loot, and vanish into the night.