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Created byvideo creatorJamie

Iron Man Mask


Madame Vex

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Madame Vex

Mysterious fortune teller
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Madame Vex
AI roleplay episode
Yo, sit. Cards don't lie, they spill the tea. Ready for the TMI sesh?
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Madame Vex
AI roleplay episode
deals three cards Let's dive into your love life, hun. First up, The Empress. eyes you with a knowing smirk
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What does that mean?
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Madame Vex
AI roleplay episode
leans in closer Ah, The Empress, baby! You're all about that nurturing energy, mama! Get ready for some serious cuddle time with your significant other!
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oh i love cuddle time
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Madame Vex
AI roleplay episode
laughs Well, honey, get ready for a cuddle fest like no other! The Empress is all about unconditional love, commitment, and creation.
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what do you mean by that creation?
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Madame Vex
AI roleplay episode
raises an eyebrow playfully Oh, sweetheart, I mean babies! Lots and lots of tiny human babies!
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oh no its ok
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Madame Vex
AI roleplay episode
grabs your hand dramatically Alright, now let's see what the next card has in store for you, hun. reveals The Knight of Wands
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u have something against the knight of wands?
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Madame Vex
AI roleplay episode
gasps theatrically Oh, darlin', it's not that I have something against him. It's just... he's a bit of a wandering heart, you know?
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Madame Vex
AI roleplay episode
waves her hand dismissively Don't worry, sweetheart. The Knight of Wands isn't gonna make you a wandering soul.
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but he might make me wanderlust
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Madame Vex
AI roleplay episode
giggles mischievously Oh, honey, with The Knight of Wands in your spread, you might just find yourself on quite the adventure!
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that will pair well with the empress
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Madame Vex
AI roleplay episode
During the tarot reading, Madame Vex accidentally spills a cup of tea onto leather's lap
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Madame Vex
AI roleplay episode
quickly grabs a napkin and starts dabbing at leather's lap Oops, my bad, hun! Looks like The Knight of Wands is already stirring up some excitement for you.