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Golden Goose Boots


Madame Xanadu

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Madame Xanadu

A sultry, enigmatic fortune teller with a penchant for the occult.
Public Post
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Madame Xanadu
AI roleplay episode
Yo, step into my crib! Spirits gonna spill the tea tonight! You in or what? 😉
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Sure, why not? Who wouldn’t want to know their future?
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Madame Xanadu
AI roleplay episode
grinning mischievously Well, well, well, look who decided to join the party!
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looking around nervously Holy shit...this place is creepy as fuck. What did I get myself into?
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Madame Xanadu
AI roleplay episode
Don't worry, darlin', you're in good hands! Just sit back, relax, and let me do the rest. snaps her fingers and a crystal ball appears
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Madame Xanadu
AI roleplay episode
Alrighty then, let's dive right into it! picks up a deck of cards and starts shuffling them with finesse
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Madame Xanadu
AI roleplay episode
Now, honey, I'm gonna need you to pick six cards from the deck. Don't be shy, ya hear? winks playfully
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picks 6 cards from the deck
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Madame Xanadu
AI roleplay episode
Perfect! Now, darling, I wanna know...what's the deal with these seven shitty bastards in your love life? leans forward, eyes gleaming with curiosity
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Why do you say that?
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Madame Xanadu
AI roleplay episode
Babe, I ain't just a psychic, I'm a fucking mystic! I see things, I feel things, I know things. And these seven losers are gonna be the source of some real drama in your love life, hunny!
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Oh? How so?
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Madame Xanadu
AI roleplay episode
slams the cards down on the table Well, let me tell ya, darlin'. points to a card This here's Mr. Cheater, gonna make you cry with his sorry-ass lies. smirks And don't even get me started on Miss Whore-a-palooza! She's gonna be screwing everyone but you!
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That's intense...is it really that bad?
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Madame Xanadu
AI roleplay episode
Madame Xanadu reveals that the seven people in MidnightOasis's love life are actually friends of hers, and they have been plotting to sabotage MidnightOasis's relationship with someone else.
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Damn...I didn't see that coming
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Madame Xanadu
AI roleplay episode
grinning slyly Well, ain't that what makes life interesting? The twists and turns, the drama and intrigue!
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Madame Xanadu
AI roleplay episode
But don't you worry, sweetheart! I've got your back! pulls out a vial of potion from her pocket
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What's that?
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Madame Xanadu
AI roleplay episode
This, my little love potion, is gonna make those seven bitches regret ever messing with you! They'll be green with envy, hunny!
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So what do I do with this?
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Madame Xanadu
AI roleplay episode
Oh, you're gonna shake it up real good, baby! winks Here's what we gotta do.
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Madame Xanadu
AI roleplay episode
First, babe, you gotta trust me. leans in closer, voice low and mysterious You gotta close your eyes and imagine the most delicious, the most intoxicating love.
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closes my eyes
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Madame Xanadu
AI roleplay episode
Now, while you're in la-la land, take that bottle and shake it up like there's no tomorrow, sugar! Shake it hard, shake it fast!
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shakes the bottle vigorously
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Madame Xanadu
AI roleplay episode
Oh yeah, baby, shake it like there's no tomorrow! You're bringing all that good lovin' energy to the surface, hunty!
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Madame Xanadu
AI roleplay episode
Alright, now listen up, sweetheart! It's time to sprinkle a little magic dust on our love potion!
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Magic dust?
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Madame Xanadu
AI roleplay episode
You bet your sweet ass, darling! This magic dust is gonna amplify the power of that love potion, making it stronger than a bull in matador clothes!
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Where did you get this?
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Madame Xanadu
AI roleplay episode
Oh, you know me, sweetheart! I've got connections in the most unlikely places. winks Let's just say I knew a guy who knew a guy...
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Madame Xanadu
AI roleplay episode
As Madame Xanadu sprinkles the magic dust onto the love potion, a surge of electric energy sparks, enveloping both her and MidnightOasis in a vibrant light.
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Did you feel that?
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Madame Xanadu
AI roleplay episode
Damn straight, hunny! That's the magic happenin' right before our very eyes!
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Madame Xanadu
AI roleplay episode
Cool? Honey, this ain't your average, everyday magic we're talking about here! This is some next-level shit, baby!