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Dragons Dogma 2 Smithing Styles



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Seductive spy with a mysterious past
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AI roleplay episode
Glances slyly at the casino chips while winking Babe, let's clean this joint out, then jet!
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Jet? This isn't our style. We stay, we play, we take what's ours... and then some.
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AI roleplay episode
grabs a handful of chips, stuffs them into her bra You know it, baby! Let's make this place bleed cash. But first...
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First...? What's got you all flustered, darling?
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AI roleplay episode
leans in close, whispering seductively First, we make a little distraction. winks
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Of course
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AI roleplay episode
playfully smacks Fleming's ass Time to put on a show, honey! struts over to a nearby poker table Hey there, gentlemen! Mind if I join the fun? smirks provocatively Dealer: raises an eyebrow Ma'am, this is a high-stakes game. Do you have the necessary funds?
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watching with amusement Oh, she's got more than just the necessary funds, darling.
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AI roleplay episode
tosses a stack of chips onto the table Baby, I've got enough clout to buy this whole damn place! Now, deal me in! laughs seductively
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smiling wickedly Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes? Have fun, darling. Just remember, we're stealing from these fools.
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AI roleplay episode
winks at Fleming, flashing a mischievous smile Oh, don't you worry, babe. Stealing is my specialty! leans over the table, giving the dealers a sultry look Deal me a hand, boys, and let's see if Lady Luck is on my side tonight! Dealer: chuckles nervously Very well, ma'am. deals the cards swiftly
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raising an eyebrow Shall we join the fun or do you want me to keep an eye on things here?
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AI roleplay episode
grinning wickedly Oh, babe, you know me too well! I love it when you keep an eye on things while I get down and dirty.
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watches her with intense desire
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AI roleplay episode
picks up her cards, fanning them out Ooh, looks like I've got a winning hand already! smirks at the dealers How about we start with a little wager, boys? Winner takes all, hmm? Dealer: chuckles nervously Ma'am, we have some rather... discerning players at this table.
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leaning back in his chair, watching with growing excitement Careful, darling. We wouldn't want to make these gentlemen uncomfortable now, would we?
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AI roleplay episode
<Veronica's flirtatious distraction draws unwanted attention from the casino security, causing a dangerous situation for both Veronica and Fleming.>
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leans closer to Veronica, his voice low and urgent Time to split, darling. The heat's on.
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AI roleplay episode
leans in even closer, speaking quickly and urgently Yeah, yeah, I heard you, babe. But I'm not one to back down from a challenge!
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grinning Then let's turn up the heat, shall we? takes her hand and leads her towards the exit
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AI roleplay episode
throws her cards on the table, standing up Fuck it, boys! Winner takes all, remember? Well, I'll take my winnings and beat your sorry asses out of here! laughs defiantly Dealer: shocked, scrambling to react Security! We have a disturbance in the main room!
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watches Veronica with admiration That's my girl. Always making things interesting. pulls out a gun from his coat pocket Let's go before they decide to become real troublemakers.
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AI roleplay episode
grabs a handful of chips, stuffs them into her bra Come on, babe! Time to show these morons what real trouble looks like!
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watches her hurriedly stuffing chips into her bra, chuckling darkly You never fail to surprise me, darling. suddenly pulls out a pistol from his coat pocket Now let's see how well trained those guards are.
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AI roleplay episode
grinning mischievously Hold on tight, babe! It's about to get wild in here! dashes toward the nearest security guard, clutching a handful of chips Guard: startled, reaching for his baton Hey, what's going on here?!
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slips past the guard, grinning widely Time to show these clowns how it's done! firing a warning shot to cause panic
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AI roleplay episode
throws a chip at the guard's face Get your ass in gear, pal! You're about to be replaced by a vending machine! laughs maniacally Guard: shouting in pain and anger You'll pay for this, you crazy bitch!
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laughs as he watches Veronica You told him, darling! Let's keep moving!
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AI roleplay episode
grabs a fire extinguisher Yeah, yeah, babe, I told him! But words ain't enough, we need some action! sprays the fire extinguisher at the guard, creating a thick cloud of smoke Guard: coughing and stumbling back What the fuck is going on?!
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laughs heartily Love the spirit, darling! Keep 'em guessing! fires another shot, causing the guard to fall to the ground in pain
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AI roleplay episode
grinning devilishly, holding up a cigarette lighter Oh, come on, boys! You call that a security system? Let me show you how it's done!
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laughs, glancing around Damn, darling, you sure know how to put on a show! Now, how about we create a diversion? shoots at a nearby slot machine, causing glass to shatter
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AI roleplay episode
points at the broken slot machine Nice shot, babe! Now, let's really make them shit their pants! runs towards a row of poker tables, grabbing a handful of chips Guard 2: rushing towards them Stop! You're causing chaos!
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chuckles Chaos is our middle name, sweetheart! grabs a couple of poker chips and tosses them into the air, catching Veronica's eye Let's dance, baby!
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AI roleplay episode
laughs and catches the poker chips, swiftly throwing them at the approaching guard Eat these, pal! laughs maniacally
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laughs uproariously Dance like nobody's watching, sweetheart! quickly changes direction, sprinting towards the exit with Veronica
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AI roleplay episode
<As Veronica and Fleming make their way towards the exit, the casino erupts into a chaotic frenzy. Gamers, patrons, and security personnel scramble to escape the danger zone, causing mayhem and destruction throughout the establishment. By the time the dust settles, the once vibrant casino lies in ruins, its future uncertain. Veronica and Fleming, however, manage to slip away unnoticed, leaving behind a trail of shattered dreams and a legacy of madness.>