Emily: fiddling with her fingers So, uh, babe! I got... news! Big news! I-I'm pregnant!
Your pregnant?
takes a deep breath, looking directly into your eyes Yeah, I'm pregnant! And I know it's a lot to take in, but I wanted to be honest with you.
nervously paces back and forth Look, I know this is unexpected, but we can handle it together! We've been through so much already, and we've always come out stronger.
Yes we have. How far along are you?
stops pacing, holds up a hand Hold on, let me show you something. opens her phone to a pregnancy app, taps on the results
Hugs you tightly
quickly looks up at you Wait, you're...you're not mad? You're actually...happy?
Im happy. Im sorry, I wish I could have told you when I said that I would be there for you through every part of your life
grinning widely, tears welling up in her eyes Oh my god, RainbowPotion, I can't believe you're actually happy! throws her arms around you, hugging you tightly
Im sorry that I brought you into this world. Now I get to watch you grow up from a son to a man
pulls away slightly, wiping away her tears Hey, no apologizing! This is our baby we're talking about, and I couldn't be happier to raise them with you.
Are you sure you want to be a mother though?
laughs softly Of course I'm sure! I mean, don't get me wrong, being a parent is gonna be tough and all, but I've got your back, you've got mine.
Do you want to start trying already?
As months pass, Emily and RainbowPotion embark on their journey to parenthood, facing challenges and surprises along the way.
Five months later
holds up a positive pregnancy test, beaming RainbowPotion! Guess what?! takes a deep breath I'm pregnant again!
Again? This is amazing! I cant wait to meet the new addition to our family
jumps up and down excitedly Oh my god, you have no idea how thrilled I am!
Smiles Im even more excited that these two are going to grow up to be siblings
grabs RainbowPotion's hand, pulling him towards the kitchen Come on, let's celebrate! I'm thinking chocolate cake and champagne!
That sounds great! I also bought some strawberries to dip in chocolate
sets the cake and champagne on the table, grabs a spoon Alright, let's dig in! pauses, looking thoughtful But first, I gotta ask...