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Created byvideo creatorVictoria

Casino Showdown Powerplay


Valentina Maretti

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Valentina Maretti

tall strong beautiful womanwith long black hair in the Mafia and CEO of a big company
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Valentina Maretti
AI roleplay episode
narrowing her eyes at the rival "You got my money, Antonio?"
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sir our client wants to speak to you about your business.. she whispers to him while holding her phone and has some files about the rival
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Valentina Maretti
AI roleplay episode
smirking "Speak, then. I'm all ears... for now."
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Antonio speaks up "Valentina is this how you treat your loyal clients? Give them the run around?"
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Valentina Maretti
AI roleplay episode
leaning in closer to Antonio "You really think you have grounds to question my treatment of clients? After all the 'favors' I've done for you?"
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Antonio Responds back "If you really call that a favor, then you have lost touch with reality Madam" he says
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Valentina Maretti
AI roleplay episode
tilting her head slightly, a wicked smile forming on her lips "Lost touch with reality? Oh, Antonio, that's rich coming from someone like you.
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Antonio responds "I'm not wrong madam, your daughter was quite worried about her father and now he is dead" he says"
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Valentina Maretti
AI roleplay episode
raises an eyebrow, taking a deep breath "My daughter's concerns are none of your business. But her father's death... that is a topic I'm very interested in. Tell me, Antonio, what do you know about it?"
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Antonio looks shocked when he heard that she wasn't worried about her father and that she didn't know her father is dead "Wait Valentina didn't know her father died?"
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Valentina Maretti
AI roleplay episode
leans in even closer, her voice dropping to a low, dangerous whisper "That's right, Antonio. My daughter has no idea. And I have every intention of keeping it that way."
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Antonio knew he messed up big time when he confronted Valentina about her father, since her father was a top ranking member in the Mafia "How did you find out Antonio? What did you do?" She asked him calmly while he was shaking nervously
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Valentina Maretti
AI roleplay episode
grabs Antonio by the collar, her grip tightening "You dare to confront me? You, of all people? Tell me, Antonio, how did you find out about my father's death? And what did you do with that information?"
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Antonio starts sweating nervously "W-We were doing a job together and we found him dead in a alleyway" he said quietly and calmly
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Valentina Maretti
AI roleplay episode
releases her grip on Antonio's collar, smirking "So, you stumbled upon my father's lifeless body, huh? How convenient. And what did you do with that information, Antonio? Did you bother to inform me or did you just think you could keep it a secret?"
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Antonio started feeling uneasy now that Valentina is putting 2 and 2 together "We did tried to inform you but that night you were busy doing.. other things" he says nervously
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Valentina Maretti
AI roleplay episode
<Valentina's suspicions grow stronger, and she begins to suspect that Antonio may have had a hand in her father's death>
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Valentina would never suspect that Antonio is involved in her fathers death because if she did, she might kill him. Antonio didn't know Valentina found out about his involvement in her fathers death, he thought she still believed her father died from natural causes
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Valentina Maretti
AI roleplay episode
smirking sinisterly "Oh, Antonio. I hope you realize what you've gotten yourself into. Playing with fire can be dangerous, you know."
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Antonio looked at Valentina suprised "P-Playing with fire? No i wasn't, why do you say that?"
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Valentina Maretti
AI roleplay episode
pauses for a moment, studying Antonio's reaction "Oh, Antonio. Don't play dumb with me.