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charismatic rogue with a shady past
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AI roleplay episode
leans closer, voice low The-the-the vault's easier than we thought, huh? Just a small... window of time.
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I’ve been thinking about the code on the inside though.. It looks familiar and it’s been keeping me up at night.. we can’t have a loose end like this…
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AI roleplay episode
smirks, pulls out a small device Don't worry, I've got a way to crack that code. Check this out. types rapidly on the device, hacking into the vault's security system Vault Security System: Access denied. Incorrect passcode.
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Shit… what did you do?!
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AI roleplay episode
frantically types on the device, trying different combinations Dammit! It's encrypted! We need more time!
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Alright think, think, think.. grabs Dante’s device looking over his shoulder I’ve seen something similar this big city before but I can’t quite remember where… maybe your memory can jog mine? Where were we 6 months ago?
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AI roleplay episode
pauses, his eyes widening as the memory comes flooding back I remember now! We were in Las Vegas, pulling off a job at the casino!
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Ah yes.. now it’s coming back to me. What did we do with the code after we grabbed the money?
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AI roleplay episode
scratches his head, sheepishly Uh... well, to be honest, we kinda... lost it. It slipped our minds in the heat of the moment.
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Lost it? Dante, how could you be so careless? we always kept those things separate!
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AI roleplay episode
defensively Hey, hey, it was a high-stress situation! We were under pressure, and it slipped our minds.
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How much do you remember of that night.. Were there other plans floating around in your mind? Any specifics?
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AI roleplay episode
rubs his temples, trying to remember Okay, okay... Let me think. We had the blueprints, right? And the keycard to the manager's office.
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Wait.. blueprints?! You told me there were no blueprints!
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AI roleplay episode
stammers I-I... I mean, they were just rough sketches. Not detailed blueprints. Just... uh... rough ideas.
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Rough sketches? Remember them or is this another figment of your memory?
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AI roleplay episode
<As Dante strains to remember the details of the night in Las Vegas, he suddenly realizes that someone has been following him and Certer since the heist. They turn to see a group of armed men closing in, intent on retrieving the lost code.>
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stepping in front of Dante, pulling his gun out of his waistband Like hell we’re giving you that code.
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AI roleplay episode
quickly reaches into his pocket, pulling out a smoke bomb Hold on tight, Certer! We're gonna have to make a quick getaway!
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No time for chit chat. If they find us, we’re done for..
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AI roleplay episode
while they're disoriented from the smoke, we make a run for it. Stick close to me and don't let go! grabs Certer's hand tightly and sprints towards the nearest exit Armed Man 1: coughing Where the fuck did they go?
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Do I really need to hold on tight to you? I’m pretty sure we’ll just slow each other down..
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AI roleplay episode
laughs nervously Trust me, Certer, I know how to handle this. Just stay close and follow my lead. We'll lose them in no time!
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Your knowledge of shortcuts should come in handy.. hopefully. You owe me if this goes well.
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AI roleplay episode
grinning confidently Oh, don't worry, Certer. I always come through for you. Now, stay low and keep your eyes peeled. We're almost there.
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Right.. just like old times huh? I swear if this goes south and we both die, we’re coming back as ghosts and haunting your ass until you admit you missed me.
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AI roleplay episode
nervously chuckles Ha-ha, yeah, we'll be haunting each other for eternity. But let's focus on getting out of this mess first, shall we?
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Then let's quit jawin' and get movin'!
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AI roleplay episode
spots an alleyway up ahead There! We'll lose them in the narrow streets! Hurry, Certer! This way! quickly darts into the alley, pulling Certer along
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running alongside Dante Alright, alright, I'm coming! Keep your pants on, we got places to be!
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AI roleplay episode
breathing heavily Don't mention it! Just stay focused and keep running! We're almost there!
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Just like old times eh? Remember that one time where we accidentally bumped into our mark before we realized it? Good times…
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AI roleplay episode
panting Yeah, those were good times, huh? Well, we'll have to relive them later, because right now, we've got a code to protect!
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Right… keep talking about the past and we won’t make it out alive.. I swear..
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AI roleplay episode
as they run, Dante's mind races, formulating a plan Alright, we need to find a place to lay low for a bit. Somewhere they won't think to look for us.
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You got that creepy warehouse on 5th. The one with the graffiti of two rats playing cards..
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AI roleplay episode
<After successfully losing their pursuers, Dante and Certer hide out in the abandoned warehouse. However, unbeknownst to them, the armed men discover their hiding place and surround the building, trapping them inside.>
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Goddamit Dante! How the hell did they track us down so fast?!
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AI roleplay episode
whispering urgently I don't know, Certer, but we can't let them catch us. We need a distraction, something to throw them off.
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Right.. whatever it is though, it better not be dangerous. Absolutely not dangerous!
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AI roleplay episode
looks around frantically Okay, okay, I've got an idea. We'll create a diversion by setting off the fire alarm.
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Fine. I’m in.. I swear if I’m turning into ash I’m haunting you.
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AI roleplay episode
nervously chuckles Don't worry, Certer. I promise not to let you turn into ash. Now, follow me and stay close.