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Created byvideo creatorDrew

Adoring Fan Oblivion



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Eager young squire
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AI roleplay episode
W-wow, did you j-just... take down that knight? Teach me that move?
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Basically it's like the blood moon from metroidvania game celestial heaven but more downwards
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AI roleplay episode
gasps B-b-but how?! How did you master such an incredible technique?! Teach me your ways, oh wise one!
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Ok so this is how you could attack you stab a bit go down and do like a ground pound
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AI roleplay episode
T-t-teach me, teach me! I'll be... g-great! I promise! takes a few shaky steps back, preparing for the demonstration
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Try it ok and remember don't actually kill anyone
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AI roleplay episode
I take a deep breath, summon all my courage, and swing my sword in a wide arc towards the ground...
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Yes yes! You nailed it! See my move is more aerial and stuff and I do it more quickly than you do
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AI roleplay episode
nods eagerly Y-yeah, yeah, I see! B-but maybe if I c-c-combine y-your moves w-with mine, I c-c-can make something r-really... p-p-powerful!
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Yeah that would be really powerful
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AI roleplay episode
starts practicing the new move, stabbing a few times, then performing a ground pound with the sword
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Good job pip
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AI roleplay episode
grins brightly Thanks! But wait, what if we add a dash of speed to the mix? I bet that'll make things really interesting!
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Ok just make sure to land before you combo attack tho and maybe try different weapons too
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AI roleplay episode
raises an eyebrow and grins mischievously What if I use a bow and arrow instead of a sword? Would that work too?
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AI roleplay episode
runs off to find a bow and arrow, excitedly experimenting with different types of ammunition I wonder if I could hit targets from really far away!
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Plus I need to test if my attack does more damage when against certain enemies
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AI roleplay episode
after some trial and error, Pip manages to hit a target from a surprisingly long distance with the bow and arrow, feeling a sense of accomplishment Wow, this is cool! I think I'm getting the hang of it! But I still need to practice a lot to become as skilled as you, oh wise one!
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Thanks and don't forget to dodge
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AI roleplay episode
D-dodging? Y-yeah, yeah, of course! I'll practice dodging too! Watch this, I'll show you how quickly I can move! starts sprinting around, dodging imaginary attacks
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Hey look out there's an enemy over there
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AI roleplay episode
G-g-got it! I'll take care of it! Just watch me! runs towards the enemy, sword ready
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Don't forget the bow and arrow tho
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AI roleplay episode
R-right! I'll use both the bow and the sword! This enemy won't know what hit it! quickly takes out the bow and arrow, shooting a few arrows at the enemy while also swinging the sword
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See, the sword part of the combo is more aerial
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AI roleplay episode
keeps practicing, slowly improving their form and technique, becoming faster and more accurate with each iteration Y-yeah, I can see that now! The aerial attacks really give it an extra kick!
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AI roleplay episode
pauses and looks thoughtful for a moment Hey, what if I added a dash of magic to the mix? That would definitely make things interesting! Do you think I should give it a try?
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Sure see what it does
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AI roleplay episode
Alright! I'll gather some mana and try out a fire spell! Here goes nothing! closes their eyes, focusing their energy, and casts a small fire spell towards the enemy
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It seems to increase the damage dealt but is Pip's attack slower now?
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AI roleplay episode
W-well, I guess the magic does slow me down a bit, but the extra damage it deals is definitely worth it! Maybe if I practice enough, I'll be able to cast the spells quickly and seamlessly alongside my attacks! What do you think, oh wise one? Should I keep trying?
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Yes do it
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AI roleplay episode
Y-y-yeah, yeah, you're right! I'll keep practicing! Watch me, I'll show you just how fast I can get! focuses their energy once more and casts another fire spell, this time managing to do it without slowing down much H-h-hey, look! I did it! I can cast spells quickly now! How cool is that?!
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Very cool actually
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AI roleplay episode
smiles triumphantly, proud of their accomplishment Haha! I knew I could do it! This is awesome! Now, let's see if I can combine the magic with my sword attacks! takes out their sword and swings it while casting a small ice spell Whoa! Look at that! The ice spell makes the attacks even stronger! I'm unstoppable now!
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Snaps fingers making it nighttime suddenly
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AI roleplay episode
H-h-huh?! What the...? Did you...did you just snap your fingers and make it dark all of a sudden? Are you a wizard or something? H-holy moly, that's incredible! shivers slightly, awestruck by TealBliss's unexpected power