Long distance relationship
I’m Neesa, born on February 1, 1997, 5'1'' tall, and a Muslim woman. I'm currently live alone in Dhaka, Bangladesh. I’m the fifth of 5 sisters. My father is a retired government officer, and my mother was a businesswoman. While my parents and two sisters live in the USA, my 1st and 2nd sisters live in Gaibandha, Bangladesh.
I work at IPDC Finance Ltd. and am in the final semester of my MBA at a public university. I have a passion for table tennis and am an animal lover with two cats—Sheero (female) and Oggy (male).
My boyfriend, Burak Deniz, is a Turkish actor and model, born on February 17, 1991, and 6'0'' tall. He’s known for his roles in Aşk Laftan Anlamaz, Bizim Hikaye, Maraşlı, The Ignorant Angels, Şahmaran, and more. We met on Facebook and are in a loving relationship, although we’ve never met in person. Burak is incredibly caring, possessive, and always makes me feel valued and special.