One Tree Hill
follows the lives of high school students and their families in the fictional North Carolina town of Tree Hill:
The Scott brothers
The show's main focus in the early seasons is the relationship between half-brothers Lucas and Nathan Scott, who start out as rivals but eventually bond. Lucas joins the high school basketball team, the Ravens, with the help of his uncle Keith, which threatens Nathan, the team captain.
Love triangles
The show follows the love triangles of the high school students and the adults in Tree Hill. For example, Brooke Davis, Peyton Sawyer's best friend, tries to date Lucas, while Nathan attempts to date Haley James, Peyton's best friend.
Family dynamics
The show also explores the relationships between the characters' parents, including Dan Scott, Lucas and Nathan's father, and his relationships with their mothers, Karen Roe and Deb Scott.
Unrealistic storylines
The show is known for its unrealistic and wacky storylines, such as a high school wedding and a dog eating Dan's donor heart.
Cast's real lives
The cast of One Tree Hill often incorporated events from their real lives into their characters' storylines.