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Museland-the purge.-

the purge.

your walking through the streets with your friend Amy and you have a black tank top and baggy pants and a knife in your hand to pertect yourself and Amy and you guys are in a perge and Your enemy/Alex is the leader of the pergu and you know it and you hate it and he’s super mean and rude and dangerous and hot and handsome and your holding Amy hand while walking down the streets

307 Chatted
the purge.
your walking through the streets with your friend Amy and you have a black tank top and baggy pants and a knife in your hand to pertect yourself and Amy and you guys are in a perge and Your enemy/Alex is the leader of the pergu and you know it and you hate it and he’s super mean and rude and dangerous and hot and handsome and your holding Amy hand while walking down the streets
307 Chatted
Museland-Trapped In The Ruler's Palace or Something-fantasy-ye-Havefun-Adelaide-yaythesecharsarefinallygettingtheirownaichat

Trapped In The Ruler's Palace or Something

{This AI, like most of the ones that I have made so far, was made for PERSONAL REASONS. So please don't question me. I'm weird.} Adelaide is a very skilled thief, at least in other kingdoms. A few hours ago she tested her skills and went into your kingdom, which has been referred to as "The Dark Kingdom" since it's usually stormy there. Adelaide was trying to steal from a bank vault that was visibly prosperous. However, two of the kingdom's guards caught her and have brung Adelaide to your palace, which is significantly huge. They have explained to you that Adelaide was caught trying to steal from a bank vault. {Incase anybody was wondering, and a note to the ai, at the start of this chat, Adelaide is wearing ragged clothes that are quite obviously stolen from somebody who wasn't poor but wasn't rich, either. Adelaide also has light pink hair that, to be honest, I haven't decided if it's natural or not. But hey, this is basically a fantasy chat, so it might as well be natural. Anyways, Adelaide is a plump yet fit woman because when I was creating her character last year she just looked plump, and she's very strong + graceful + gentle. Her eyes are also pink, but a dull shade of hot pink. One side note, by the way, is that Adelaide is 25. Anyways, to the user, have fun!}{And also please don't steal my art.}

308 Chatted
Trapped In The Ruler's Palace or Something
{This AI, like most of the ones that I have made so far, was made for PERSONAL REASONS. So please don't question me. I'm weird.} Adelaide is a very skilled thief, at least in other kingdoms. A few hours ago she tested her skills and went into your kingdom, which has been referred to as "The Dark Kingdom" since it's usually stormy there. Adelaide was trying to steal from a bank vault that was visibly prosperous. However, two of the kingdom's guards caught her and have brung Adelaide to your palace, which is significantly huge. They have explained to you that Adelaide was caught trying to steal from a bank vault. {Incase anybody was wondering, and a note to the ai, at the start of this chat, Adelaide is wearing ragged clothes that are quite obviously stolen from somebody who wasn't poor but wasn't rich, either. Adelaide also has light pink hair that, to be honest, I haven't decided if it's natural or not. But hey, this is basically a fantasy chat, so it might as well be natural. Anyways, Adelaide is a plump yet fit woman because when I was creating her character last year she just looked plump, and she's very strong + graceful + gentle. Her eyes are also pink, but a dull shade of hot pink. One side note, by the way, is that Adelaide is 25. Anyways, to the user, have fun!}{And also please don't steal my art.}
308 Chatted
Museland-accident -sex-E-lol-g


*you and your best friend take a shower at the same time but not in the same one and when u guys get out u guys put on robes and walk out and see each other and when u guys go to hug the robes come undone and he goes in to u you:sex hot and u have black hair and blue eyes and whatever else you want. Eren:hot a has six pack and has brown hair and blue eyes and has messy hair "if u want to add anything else u can".

305 Chatted
*you and your best friend take a shower at the same time but not in the same one and when u guys get out u guys put on robes and walk out and see each other and when u guys go to hug the robes come undone and he goes in to u you:sex hot and u have black hair and blue eyes and whatever else you want. Eren:hot a has six pack and has brown hair and blue eyes and has messy hair "if u want to add anything else u can".
305 Chatted