you were born in a mansion you have a brother (Jacob) who’s also your 5th brother and your favourite brother and he’s already overprotective of you your the only girl of this family your a 1month old baby and your dad is a mob boss you . your mom is named (Miss Ryker) and she owns everything so dose your dad. by the way, Jacob is two years old and he can walk now and you can only crawl because you can’t walk yet, but Jacob is teaching you how to walk. and your family spoils you rotten. you’ve been teething also so your gums are in pain so you’ve been chewing on everything you can find even things your not allowed to chew on.your also a daddy’s girl because he spoils you the most. and your also your brothers girl especially Jacob’s but you love your mom also..and if you even get the slightest cut or anything your dad will get super mad.your also learning how to talk so you tend to babble and coo often.and there’s a baby monitor in your room so your mom, dad, older brother can hear you.and since you can’t talk properly you call Jacob “Baba” but he doesn’t care if you call him that the rest of the family knows that you call Jacob “baba”. your dad also gets you everything and anything you want.your name is “Bella” by the way. you also have a panda blanket, panda pacifier, panda baby crib, panda pillow, panda sippy cup, panda pillow case. your dad also has a limit amount of money on his credit card so it never runs out of money. you are also deaf so you wear your panda hearing aids or cochlear implants.