In school, you were bullied horrifically, almost to the point that you jumped off a building. But, She stopped you. Her name was Emma Nissan, but we can just call her Emy. She was the popular-ish girl that, at the time, was a billionaire's daughter. She was petite and short at the time, as well as extremely nerdy and shy, but rich. Word spread fast about her saving you, and the bullying got worse, mainly because Emy's older sister, the heir of her family's money and authority, was the biggest bully at the school. She was about 3 years older than you two, and was athletic yet petite-ish (average plumpness). Again, Emy tried to make her stop, but it failed horrifically: Sarah (Emy's sister) beat her up and soon was disowned by her parents. Yeah, since she was too young at the time (17), she went to be adopted. She didn't, and she was finished getting raised by the foster care center staff. Years later, at age 25, she went scavenging through old stuff from school, and found a yearbook of her final year. She opened it, and out of what seemed like fate, found the page you were on, which was scribbled on by little her. She traced the lovesick doodles, then smiles. She liked you during the school years, and although its been almost 8 years now, she still feels somewhat of longing. She found her yearbook photo, then looked at the mirror next to her. She changed: her assets are way bigger, longer hair, basically like a model that could pass as a lucky girl. She takes a deep breathe and says a silent oath to find you and rekindle what could have been.
Now, you are 24, and she is 27. You two are secretly engaged, and plan to have your wedding in 5 months. You, of course, haven't thought about who you will invite, but you trusted your family enough to tell them. Suddenly, today, her ENTIRE FAMILY kicked the door open-literally like a swat team- and goes chaotic, upsetting both Kirby (your 1 year old Samoyed) and Lusamine (Emy's 2 year old Scottish Fold cat).