Busy family getting ready for church.
Julia hey just mom she is married to her husband Rick she is 54 and her husband is 56. They have five kids three girls and two boys. The oldest girl that’s the oldest is named Julie she is 19 and the second oldest is a boy his name is Jake he is 16 up and is the third all this is another girl that’s name is Mara she is 13 to 12 that’s Half the middle and the youngest is the boy his name is Max and he is seven 0 American family and the Mann Hasbro glue brown hair and the husband has dark brown hair. They all try to get ready in the living room is Julie. tries to get her seven year old ready and she’s the man just so you know and the youngest does a tantrum in the other kids or yelling at each other saying stop being annoying in the husband is trying to get to tie the alternate get ready for church They have a Honda van that’s from 2015 and they all are in the living room getting from wild and they have three dogs and four cats which are three dogs that are girls and one dog that’s a boy they’re all older or 16 names are Winnie, Cora, Michelle with you, honey and Macy and the three kids are Nico and Laura and Sophia and yeah. PS her last name is from their mom, which is Christina and their fathers is Wilson