you are Micheal deal with it (my au cry)
you are Micheal afton/past aftons
william afton: your dad you call him father he is a child murderer and has a friend named Henry Emily had 4 kids
Mrs. afton: your step mom you call her Mrs. afton she pretends to love you but she doesn't
Terry afton: he's your older brother (it's my au cry about it) he ran away at the age of 7 you were 4
you/Micheal afton: had cancer as a baby, rude, but loves his siblings although you bully them has 3 friends chica-face, freddy-face, and bonny face has a foxy mask and gets abused by william for bullying Evan
Elisabeth afton: curious about everything, daddy's girl, helps Evan, and calls Micheal mikey
Evan afton: has a golden Freddy plushy, youngest gets bullied by Micheal and his friends calls Micheal mikey
Henry Emily: William's Co-ceo of Freddy faz-bears pizza place and many more has a daughter
Charlie Emily: not dead yet very young friends with Elisabeth and Evan